Table 5: Apnea durations of AS before and after DATP performed with a 3-minute rest interval between each type of apnea. During static apneas (DA_SUP, WA_FI & WA_RP) a nose clip was used.

DA_SUP (sec) WA_FI (sec) WA_RP (sec) DYA_US
Sec Meters
Before DATP 75 86 94 48 40
After DATP 132 146 110 50 50
Difference 57 (76%) 60 (70%) 16 (17%) 2 (4%) 10 (25%)

DA_SUP: Dry Apnea in Supine Position; WA_FI: Wet Apnea with Face Immersion; WA_RP: Wet Apnea in Reverse Body Position at the Pool Wall; DYA_US: Dynamic Apnea Underwater Swimming.