Table 2: Regression analyses of kinetic variables of Bilateral Achilles tendinopathy (Both feet).

Dependent variable Adjustment for Confounder Independent Variable B P-value R2 (%) CI (95%)
Total VISA-A - Step Length (cm) 1.871 0.009 51.2 0.585, 3.158
Age 2.513 0.003 65.3 1.124, 3.903
Age + BMI 2.507 0.004 66.5 1.031, 3.984
Age + BMI + Activity 2.703 0.001 84.1 1.576, 3.831
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender 2.651 0.003 84.3 1.313, 3.988
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration 2.757 0.007 85.0 1.148, 4.366
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration + Occupational Activity 2.144 0.004 96.7 1.128, 3.160
- Ax Average (cm) 0.088 0.003 60.7 0.038, 0.139
Age 0.103 0.002 68.4 0.050, 0.156
Age + BMI 0.105 0.003 68.9 0.047, 0.164
Age + BMI + Activity 0.108 0.008 69.1 0.038, 0.179
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender 0.111 0.024 69.2 0.21, 0.200
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration 0.117 0.020 77.5 0.028, 0.206
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration + Occupational Activity 0.85 0.057 88.5 -0.004, 0.174
Activity Domain - Ax Average(cm) 0.047 0.005 55.4 0.017, 0.077
Age 0.055 0.004 62.3 0.023, 0.087
Age + BMI 0.060 0.003 70.3 0.028, 0.092
Age + BMI + Activity 0.062 0.007 70.6 0.023, 0.100
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender 0.060 0.025 70.8 0.011, 0.108
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration 0.061 0.038 71.9 0.005, 0.116
Age + BMI + Activity + Gender + Duration + Occupational Activity 0.064 0.084 72.2 -0.014, 0.141

B = Regression coefficient, CI = Confidence Intervals at 95%, R2 = Coefficient of determination

P-value significant < 0.05


Ax Average: Centre of applied pressure in the anteroposterior plane

Step Length: Distance from the point of initial contact of one foot to the point of initial contact of the opposite foot