Table 5: Univariate analysis of predictors of VC.

Category VC (Mean ± Std. deviation) No VC (Mean ± Std. deviation) p-value
Recepient age 47.5±8.02 46.05±8.2 > 0.05
Donor Age 26.1±5.9 27.1±6.7 > 0.05
BMI of Donor 25.02±3.5 25.2±3.4 > 0.05
Actual graft wt 830.5±131.08 816.3±182.1 > 0.05
Actual GRWR 1.04±0.2 1.04±0.1 > 0.05
Cold ischemia time/ minutes 80.4±54.4 73.56±51.5 > 0.05
Warm ischemia time/ minutes 53.7±17.9 51.6±15.5 > 0.05
Time of arterial anastomsis 69.3±30.1 67.4±36.1 > 0.05
Blood transfusion (units) 7.5±6.9 6.8±7.5 > 0.05
Plasma transfusion (units) 10±11.2 7. 8±8.1 > 0.05
Operative time/ h 13.7±2.7 12.9±3.3 > 0.05
Postoperative hospital stay (days) 22.8±13.03 22.6±16.8 > 0.05