Table 4: The Characteristics of Patients with T3 Gallbladder Carcinoma

No Age Sex Surgery Extent of Tumor Invasion Histological Grade f Stage Reccurence Sites No. of Metastatic LN No. of Dissected LN
1 73 m ExC+LND si 2 3a regional LN na 0
2 78 f ExC+LND+EHBDR ss + liver 3 3b regional LN 0 12
3 79 f ExC ss + liver 2 3b liver 1 1
4 65 m ExC se 3 3a p + regional LN 1 1
5 75 f ExC+LND+EHBDR se 2 3a liver + regional LN 1 10
6 70 m ExC+LND+EHBDR se + CBD 1 3a p + regional LN 8 11
7 66 f ExC+LND+EHBDR ss + CBD 1 3b p 15 24
8 66 f ExC+LND+EHBDR ss + liver 3 3b p 1 1
9 85 m ExC+LND+EHBDR se + liver 1 3b p + regional LN 1 8
10 69 f ExC+LND+EHBDR ss + liver 3 3b liver 3 3
11 75 f ExC si + liver 3 3b unknown 2 3
12 77 f ExC+LND se + liver 3 3b liver 1 5

LND: Lymph Node Dissection, ExC: Extended Cholecystectomy, EHBDR: Extrahepatic Bile Duct Resection, PD: Pancreoticoduodenectomy, CBD: Common Bile Duct, p: peritoneal dissemination