Table 4: Predictors of possibility of prescriber managing malaria in children under 6-months-old.

Characteristics Subgroups Ever managed malaria in child less than 6-months-old? Unadjusted bivariate analysis Adjusted bivariate analysis
Yes (%) No (%) p-value cOR ratio 95% CI p-value aOR 95% CI
Sex Male 51 (91.1) 5 (8.9) 1 1
Female 19 (86.4) 3 (13.6) 0.54 0.621 0.135-2.854 0.081 0.097 0.007-1.330
Age (years) < 30 38 (88.4) 5 (11.6) 1 1
> 30 32 (91.4) 3 (8.6) 0.659 1.404 0.311-6.332 0.666 0.566 0.042-7.530
Length of professional practice (years) < 1 13 (68.4) 6 (31.6) 1 1
> 1 57 (96.6) 2 (3.4) 0.003* 13.154 2.379-72.722 0.075 34.772 0.703-1720.656
Length of practice in current facility (years) < 1 26 (81.3) 6 (11.8) 1 1
> 1 44 (95.7) 2 (4.3) 0.057 5.077 0.954-27.027 0.915 1.218 0.033-45.248
Ever worked in a pediatric facility? No 4 (50.0) 4 (50.0) 1 1
Yes 66 (94.3) 4 (5.7) 0.001* 16.5 2.971-91.634 0.019* 12.82 1.510-108.908
Category of prescriber Non-physician 23 (88.5) 3 (11.5) 1 1
Physician 45 (90.0) 5 (10.0) 0.792 1.226 0.269-5.582 0.33 2.897 0.341-24.616

NB: cOR: Crude odd ratio; aOR: Adjusted odd ratio; *statistically significant.