Table 3: Effects of plastic wastes on animals and their mechanism(s) of action.

Species Specie variant Plastic type Effects
Sea Bird Greater Shearwater Plastic bottle cap Starvation due to gastrointestinal obstruction
Magellanic penguin Fragments, line and straws Stomach perforation
Sea Turtles Green sea turtles Plastic bags and other debris Impediment of hatchling movement towards the sea, exposure to predators
Leatherback turtle Plastic bags and debris Blocked and injures cloaca, impedes laying of eggs
Fish Bigeye tuna Fragment line Ingestion of plastic fragments
Japanese medaka Particulate plastic Hepatic stress from exposure to plastic pollutant
Orchid dottyback Plastic bags Leached nonophenol additives caused mortality
Larva Perch Microplastic particles Inhibited hatching, decreased growth rate and altered behavior
Mammals Fur seal Plastic particles Bioaccumulation of particulate plastic from prey fish
Sperm Whale Plastic bags and debris Stomach rupture and starvation
Australia Sea lion Plastic fishing gear Entanglement caused mortality
Invertebrates Urchin larva Polyethylene pellets Plastic leachates caused abdominal development
Mussels Microplastic particles Accumulation of microplastic in circulatory system
Oyster Microplastic particles Interference with energy uptake and reproduction
Norway lobster Plastic strands and particles Ingestion and accumulation of plastics in the gut

Source: Worm, et al. [15].