Table 6: Salient features of contemporary studies on luminex crossmatch.

Authors No. of samples (% positive) Class I positive Class II positive Both positive Sample nature Conclusions
Billen, et al. [10] 165 (19.4) 16 15 1 LXM more sensitive than FCXM.
Huh, et al. [12] 55 (32.7) 6 5 7 PRA I/II > 20% Sensitivity of LXM class I 62.5% , class II 100%.
Mishra, et al. (present study) [8,13] 705 (39.3) 40 155 82 Pretransplant LXM useful with PRA for detection of sensitization.
Gulliuame, et al. [5] 106 (77.8) 26 28 30 LXM has low sensitivity for anti A and B.
Caro-Oleas, et al. [18] 61 - all - - - Known sera & lysates SAB more sensitive than LXM.
Riethmuller, et al. [19] 155 (8.4) 7 6 - PRA + SAB I and LXM I are useful for AMR prediction.
Vimal, et al. [14] 126 (25.4%) 6 21 5 Pretransplant CDCXM neg DSA positivity no effect on short term outcome.

Legend: CDCXM: Complement dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch; FCXM: Flow cytometry crossmatch; LXM: Luminex crossmatch; No: Number; +: Positive; PRA: Panel reactive antibodies; SAB: Single antigen bead test; DSA: Donor specific antibodies; &: and.