Table 6: Weight distribution throughout the study in patients treated with thirst-quenching lozenges.

Visit Mean (SD) weighta, Kg
Baseline (Day 7, Visit 1) 62.2 (7.9)
Treatment (Day 9, Visit 2) 62.0 (7.9)
Treatment (Day 11, Visit 3) 62.4 (7.9)
Treatment (Day 14, Visit 4) 62.9 (11.7)
Treatment (Day 16, Visit 5) 62.3 (7.9)
Treatment (Day 18, Visit 6) 62.4 (7.9)
End of the study (Day 21, Visit 7) 62.4 (7.9)

Note: ap-value, 0.9683 (no significant difference was observed from baseline to end of the study).