Table 5: The effect of each of the dialysis-related symptoms independently on the comfort level of the patients.

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B SE Beta t Sig. F Sig R Adjusted R2
Constant 29.667 1.565 18.956 0.000 6.223 0.000b 0.600a 0.302
Constipation 0.340 0.173 0.095 1.969 0.049
Nausea -0.132 0.408 -0.033 -0.323 0.747
Vomiting 0.153 0.417 0.036 0.367 0.714
Diarrhea 0.379 0.269 0.066 1.409 0.160
Poor appetite -0.909 0.193 -0.241 -4.709 0.000
Muscle cramps -0.145 0.185 -0.039 -0.782 0.435
Swelling in legs -0.496 0.230 -0.114 -2.156 0.032
Dyspnea -0.362 0.227 -0.097 -1.596 0.111
Drowsiness/Dizziness -0.047 0.194 -0.014 -0.241 0.810
Restless legs syndrome 0.323 0.209 0.081 1.550 0.122
Numbness or tingling in the feet -0.140 0.165 -0.045 -0.850 0.396
Feeling of fatigue and decrease in energy -0.400 0.305 -0.064 -1.313 0.190
Coughing -0.453 0.308 -0.099 -1.471 0.142
Dryness of the mouth -0.528 0.196 -0.151 -2.700 0.007
Bone or joint pain 0.038 0.171 0.013 0.223 0.824
Chest pain 0.065 0.316 0.015 0.207 0.836
Headache -0.498 0.186 -0.149 -2.678 0.008
Muscle pain 0.299 0.214 0.087 1.400 0.163
Concentration difficulties -0.093 0.182 -0.027 -0.509 0.611
Dry skin -0.161 0.292 -0.029 -0.552 0.581
Itching 0.022 0.168 0.007 0.133 0.895
Being anxious 0.513 0.189 0.155 2.712 0.007
Feeling nervous -0.430 0.183 -0.128 -2.344 0.020
Difficulty falling asleep -0.556 0.649 -0.180 -0.857 0.392
Difficulty in maintaining sleep 0.385 0.657 0.123 0.586 0.559
Feeling uncomfortable -0.173 0.356 -0.049 -0.488 0.626
Feeling sad 0.352 0.308 0.092 1.144 0.253
Feeling anxious -0.724 0.391 -0.203 -1.850 0.065
Absence of sexual appetite 10.988 5.973 2.893 1.840 0.067
Difficulty in getting sexual satisfaction -11.094 5.969 -2.922 -1.859 0.064

aDependent variable: HDCS Overall; bPredictors: (Constant), Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Poor appetite, Muscle cramps, Swelling in legs, Dyspnea, Drowsiness/Dizziness, Restless leg syndrome, Numbness or tingling in the feet, Feeling of fatigue and decrease in energy, Coughing, Dryness of the mouth, Bone or joint pain, Chest pain, Headache, Muscle pain, Concentration difficulties, Dry skin, itching, Being anxious, Feeling nervous, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty in maintaining sleep, Feeling uncomfortable, Feeling sad, Feeling anxious, Absence of sexual appetite, Difficulty in getting sexual satisfaction.