Table 2: Models obtained by applying the different data mining methods.

CART decision tree
IF (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = No) THEN COPD = No (338/3)
IF (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = Yes)
    IF (Age group = ( < 50))
       IF (Asthma family history = Yes) THEN COPD = No (6/0)
       IF (Asthma family history = No)
          IF (Phlegm in the morning = Yes)
             IF (Phlegm day =Yes) THEN COPD = No (3/0)
             IF (Phlegm day = No) THEN COPD = Yes (3/2)
          IF (Phlegm in the morning = No) THEN COPD = Yes (2/0)
    IF (Age group = ( ≥ 50)) THEN COPD = Yes (37/8)
J48 decision tree
    IF (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = No) THEN COPD = No (341/3)
    IF (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = Yes)
       IF (Age group = ( < 50)) THEN COPD = No (16/5)
       IF (Age group = ( 50-60))
          IF (Phlegm daily for three months = Yes) THEN COPD = No (4/1)
          IF (Phlegm daily for three months = No) THEN COPD = Yes (17/1)
       IF (Age group = ( > 60)) THEN COPD = Yes (24/4)
JRip rule
IF ((Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = Yes) AND (Dyspnoea when walking = Yes)) THEN COPD = Yes (28/5)
IF ((Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = Yes) AND (Phlegm daily for three months = No) AND (Smoking intensity = ( ≥ 30)) THEN COPD = Yes (20/4)
IF ((Cough daily for three months = Yes) AND (Phlegm daily for three months =No)) THEN COPD = Yes (2/0)
COPD = No (352/4)
PART decision list
IF (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = No) THEN COPD = No (341/3)
IF ((Heart disease = No) AND (Age group = ( ≥ 60))) THEN COPD = Yes (20/4)
IF ((Heart disease = No) AND (Age group = (50 - 60)) AND (Phlegm daily for three months = No)) THEN
COPD = Yes (14/1)
IF (Heart disease = Yes) THEN COPD = Yes (8/0)
IF (Asthma family history = Yes) THEN COPD = No (8/0)
IF (Cough in the morning = Yes) THEN COPD = No (8/2)
COPD = Yes (3/0)
Logistic regression
Logit pCOPD = ln pCOPD/(1-pCOPD) = -5.06 + 5.15* (Dyspnoea when climbing one flight of steps = Yes) +
1.86* (Dyspnoea when walking = Yes) + 1.89* (Heart disease = Yes) -2.16*(Waking up drowning = Yes) +
1.08* (Smoking intensity = ( > 30)) -1.70* (Age group = ( < 50))
pCOPD = probability of COPD, ln: natural logarithm (IF Logit pCOPD > 0 THEN COPD = Yes)

Numbers in brackets, say (a/b), represent that there is a individuals of the sample with 10-fold cross validation well classified and b misclassified when the indicated decision is made.