Table 1: Step-by-Step process of analysis.

Activity Data analysis
Listen to the interviews Become immersed in and becoming familiar with the data
Relisten to the recordings Make sense of the data
Quality check the translations Obtain a true and real picture of the participants' views
Read the reflective notes and transcripts Get an overall picture of the data

Map the coding scheme (using ATLAS.ti (qualitative analysis software)

Make and refine the code list:

First attempt ≈ 1441 quotation for 282 codes

Remove duplicates, revise, replace and remove codes

Merge quotations to combine the codes

Code list 1 ≈ 240 codes

Code list 2 ≈ 200 codes

Code list 3 ≈ 18 codes

Final ≈ 148 codes

(e.g., despondency (despair emotions) merged with despair/grief)

Create families or categories (Move from description to interpretation)

Identify similar codes, develop categories and linkages

Questions: What is happening here? What am I learning about this? Why is this here?

Develop family narratives and graphic representations for each family

Make comparisons Conceptualise the data

Compare participants' views on codes to move from description to interpretation (e.g., different views on health teaching in the hospital)

Examine the similarities and differences in themes and patterns

Explore the relationships and patterns among the data sources; concept mapping might be useful

Use a flip flop technique Conceptualise the data Turn the concept inside out: Obtain different perspectives on the same word (e.g., the participants used the phrases "trying hard" and "difficult to change diet", which we explored to identify the factors that facilitate (trying hard) and the barriers (difficult to change diet) to following dietary regime

Identify similarities and differences Conceptualise the data

Compare opposite views (e.g., some participants adopted a healthy diet because they were hopeful and wanted to live for others, whereas other participants were not hopeful and did not adopt a healthy diet because life for them is not important) Form themes and patterns

Validate the analysis

Clarify issues (if required)

Conduct additional interviews (if required)

Consult the members (experts)

Go back to the participants

Conduct more interviews with the same or other participants

Consult the literature regarding the themes and patterns

Move in and out of the data and follow the above steps in an ongoing, nonlinear (circular) fashion Identify a range of alternatives to gain the essence of the phenomenon under study for the final analysis
Refine themes and develop meaningful descriptions of the contextual and individual factors that influence the participants' food choices and consumption of a healthy diet as a final product