Table 3: Categories of primers from polymorphic contigs and their assembled ESTsd

Category Conditions Contigse ESTs
"NHF" No GAS or ASD 46 202
"deletion" ASD<0 65 124
"same size" ASD=0 89 196
"insertion" 0<ASD <= 20 47 90
"intron (GAS<=500)" ASD>20 & GAS<=500 25 51
"intron (GAS>500)" ASD>20 & GAS>500 45 95
"error" GAS>100,000 2 8
Total 319 766

d ESTs: Expressed Sequence Tags; NHF: No Hit Found; GAS: Genomic Amplicon size; ASD: Amplicon Size difference
e The primer count in each category for contigs was based on the alignment status, GAS value, and ASD value of the first EST in each contig