Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of the entire population and the selected group.

Characteristics Entire population n = 256 Selected group n = 209 P value
Age (range) 85 (80-99) 85 (80-99) NS
Female % 71.1 70.9 NS
Number of comorbidities (range) 4 (0-10) 4 (0-10) NS**
Compensated comorbidities (%)
Hypertension 78.9 69.4 NS
Diabetes 22.5 18.4 NS
Dyslipidaemia 52.4 46.6 NS
Coronary heart disease 11.9 7.8 NS
Previous stroke 7.9 3.4 NS
Chronic heart failure 5.3 5.3 NS
Peripheral arterial disease 4.8 2.4 NS
Thyroid disease 26.5 22.8 NS
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4.0 2.4 NS
Osteoarthritis 48.9 44.2 NS
Osteoporosis 38.9 52.9 NS
Cancer 17.5 13.1 NS
Smoking (%)
Current smoking 2.6 1.5 NS
Previous smoking 28.4 21.4 NS
Number of medications (median) (n = 221) 6 (0-14) 6 (0-13) NS
Polypharmacy* (%) (n = 221) 66.5 44.7 NS
Weight (median) (n = 247) 63.6 62.3 NS
Body mass index BMI (Kg/m2) (%) (n = 247)
BMI < 18.5 (Kg/m2) 2.8 4.9 NS
BMI 18.5-29.9 (Kg/m2) 78.6 76.2 NS
BMI > 29.9 (Kg/m2) 18.6 18.9 NS

*Polypharmacy: use of 5 or more medications.**Non-significant.