Table 3: Prevalence and odds ratio of faecal incontinence, by demographic variables.

Variable n (%) OR (95% CI) p
Male 15 (1.0) 1.00
Female 36 (2.4) 2.40 (1.32-4.49) 0.004
15-34 6 (0.7) 1.00
35-54 11 (1.0) 1.60 (0.61-4.22) 0.340
55+ 33 (3.5) 5.48 (2.35-12.78) < 0.001
Marital Status
Married/de facto 27 (1.5) 1.00
Separated/divorced 12 (4.6) 3.22 (1.65-6.47) 0.001
Widowed Never married 12 (1.3) 0.92 (0.46-1.82) 0.801
Education Status
Post school education 22 (1.5) 1.00
No post school education 29 (1.9) 1.26 (0.72-2.21) 0.416
Household Income
≤ $ 30,000 28 (3.0) 1.00
≥ $ 30,001 17 (1.0) 0.32 (0.18-0.59) < 0.001
Country of Birth
Australia 37 (1.7) 1.00
Other 14 (1.8) 1.09 (0.58-2.02) 0.798
Employment Status
Employed 14 (0.8) 1.00
Economically inactive 37 (2.8) 3.40 (1.83-6.33) < 0.001
Metropolitan 37 (1.8) 1.00
Country 14 (1.5) 0.86 (0.46-1.61) 0.641
Total 51 (1.7)

95% CI: 95% Confidence interval; OR: Odds ratio; p <= 0.001, Chi2 test.