Table 6: Mental and physical component summaries for faecal incontinence.

Mental Component Summary (MCS) Physical Component Summary (PCS)
n Mean p Mean p
Overall* 2963 50.17 50.10
FI unadjusted 51 39.90 < 0.001 44.17 0.003
FI* 51 43.46 < 0.001 43.46 < 0.001
Mild/Moderate 45 44.17 40.90
Severe 6 44.16 0.999 32.23 0.068
Male 15 43.96 50.12
Female 36 43.93 0.993 44.02 0.891
15-55 17 43.96 45.41
55+ 33 43.93 0.088 36.95 0.015
Marital Status*
Married/De Facto 27 45.20 40.68
Other 24 42.99 0.529 38.99 0.586
Post School 22 44.15 37.89
No Post School 29 44.19 0.999 41.43 0.266
< $ 30,000 28 42.83 37.99
> $ 30,000 23 44.83 0.633 40.67 0.438
Country of Birth*
Australia 37 43.80 39.69
Other 14 45.18 0.729 40.45 0.829
Employed 14 52.11 48.48
Economically inactive 37 41.18 0.006 36.66 < 0.001
Metropolitan 37 42.58 39.00
Country 14 48.44 0.131 42.33 0.366
No Diabetes 43 44.66 39.72
Diabetes 8 41.58 0.523 40.82 0.796
Urinary Incontinence (UI) *
No UI 14 41.70 41.46
UI 37 45.14 0.403 39.28 0.549
No depression 35 48.72 40.71
Depression 16 34.48 < 0.001 38.15 0.447
Underweight/Normal 19 43.78 43.21
Overweight/Obese 30 44.29 0.890 38.24 0.125

95% CI: 95% Confidence interval; *: adjusted for age and sex; **: adjusted for age; ***: adjusted for sex.