Table 1: Description of the sample's sociodemographic and clinical data.

n (%) Test statistic p
Female 119 (55.3) 11.12** 0.02***
Male 96 (44.7)
50-60 years 76 (35.3) 3.17* 0.52ns
61-70 years 91 (42.3)
71-80 years 28 (13.0)
81-90 years 13 (6.1)
91 years and over 7 (3.3)
Marital status
Single 46 (21.2) 1.16** 0.97ns
Married 58 (27.1)
Separated/divorced 44 (20.5)
Widowed 67 (31.2)
Methods of injury or attempt
Single active method 105 (48.8) 2.12** 0.74ns
Mixed active method 110 (51.2)
Pre-existing conditions
Depression 47 (16.5) 7.22** 0.09ns
Anxiety 36 (17.6)
Psychotic disorders 28 (7.7)
Personality disorders 23 (13.4)
Physical disorders 49 (11.0)
No previous diagnosis 32 (18.3)
Post-attempt health care action
Discharge 114 (53) 1.3** 0.36ns
Admission 101 (47)

Example of single active method = poisoning; example of mixed active method = poisoning + cutting on dolls* ANOVA statistic(F); **χ2 statistic; ***p < 0.05; ****p < 0.01; ns = not significant.