Table 2: Regression equation values for the independent variables (sociodemographic and clinical) in older adults (N = 215).

IV β SE Wald OR 95% CI OR
Gender (female) 1.16 1.07 4.51* 2.70 1.13 3.18
Age (61-90 years) 0.34 0.11 5.28* 6.99 5.22 8.18
Marital status (widowed) 0.56 0.78 2.71** 3.12 2.27 3.82
Pre-existing condition (depression) 0.13 0.09 3.18** 3.95 2.22 4.71
Pre-existing condition (physical) 0.98 0.02 1.45** 4.98 3.13 5.12
Suicide attempt method (single) 0.39 0.19 7.83* 4.72 2.12 6.15
Health care action (discharge) 1.03 0.34 6.91** 6.89 5.56 7.34

β = beta coefficient; SE = standard error; Wald = statistical power of test; p = significance level; *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01; ns = not significant; LL = Lower limit; UL = Upper limit; OR = odds ratio or regression equation Exp(β) result.