Table 1: Lactic dehydrogenase values for different hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including normo-evolutive pregnancy.

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Cases (n) LD concentration (IU/L) Standard deviation Q1 Minimum value (IU/L) Q3 Maximum Value (IU/L)
Normo-evolutive pregnancy 800 274.49§ 101 201 360
Gestational hypertension 2,057 515.05¢ 339 400 565
Mild preeclampsia 1,089 537.13§ 122 463 567
Severe preeclampsia 1,817 654.92§ 222 522 729
Eclampsia 172 747.56§ 219 556 921
Severe preeclampsia + HELLP 361 1,492.4¢ 1,178 790 2,066
Eclampsia + HELLP 56 4,634.79¢ 3,855 2,117 4,898

§Media; ¢Median.