Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents in SRH Ethiopia, 2019.

Variables Frequency Percentages (%)
Gender Male 123 162.6
Female 74 37.4
Age 15-19 1 0.5
20-24 5 2.5
25-29 9 4.6
30-34 10 15.1
35-39 37 18.8
40-44 14 17.1
45-49 44 22.3
50-54 19 9.6
55-59 25 12.7
60-64 15 7.6
> 65 18 9.1
Duration of treatment 6-11 months 21 10.6
1-3 years 140 71.1
4-6 years 32 16.2
Above 6 years 4 2.03
Marital status Married 155 78.7
Single 12 6.1
Divorced 26 13.2
Widowed 4 2.03
Religion Protestant 29 14.7
Orthodox 66 33.5
Muslim 102 51.7
Educational level Illiterate 111 56.3
Read and write 41 20.8
Primary 8 4.06
Secondary 10 5.1
Above secondary 27 13.7
Occupation Housewife 38 19.3
Employed 25 12.7
Farmer 85 43
Daily labor 5 2.5
Merchant 40 20.3
Other 4 2.03
Ethnicity Oromo 133 67.5
Amhara 41 20.8
Gurage 21 10.6
0ther 2 1.01
Monthly income < 445 3 1.52
446-1200 55 27.9
1201-2500 27 13.7
2501-3500 6 3.04
> = 3501 12 6.1
Un able to specify 94 47.7
Family support No 167 84.8
  Yes 30 15.2