Table 1: Replicon-associated iterons identified in GR members under study.

GR Replicase No. of detected repeats Iteron sequencea Length(nt) Distance from the iteron to rep start codon (bp) Ref.
GR22 RepAci22 pAb242 25 4 TAAGTCTACGTTTTCCCACC(T/C)(T/A) 22 56 This work
Rep pD36-4 3 GTCTACGTTTTCCCACC 17 61 [27]
GR23 RepAci23 pAb242_25 5 TAGGTTTATCGAC(C/T)(C/T)ATAAAA(T/C) 22 71 This work
Rep p11921 4 TAGGTTTATCGACCCATAAAAT 22 91 [11]
GR21 RepAci21 pAb242_12 4 GGTTTGTGCAGC(A/-)TAT(C/T)GAATA 22 221 This work
GR4 RepAci4 pAb242_9 4 ATATGACTACGTTTACCTACCA 22 112 This work
RepAci4 pAb844 4 ATATGACTACGTTTACCTACCA 22 107 [11]

aDistinctive iteron sequences for each group are informed. Alternative nucleotides at a given position are shown in parenthesis.