Table 2: Demographic characteristics of the diabetic patients.

Variables n No. of isolates (%) P-value
Sex: 0.384
Male 47 27 (22.5)
Female 73 36 (30)
Age: 0.850
 40 9 5 (4.2)
41-50 22 10 (8.3)
51-60 40 21 (17.5)
61+ 49 27 (22.5)
Education status: 0.440
None 14 9 (7.5)
Primary 46 24 (20)
Secondary 37 16 (13.3)
Tertiary 23 14 (11.7)
Occupation: 0.067
Traders 36 22 (18.3)
Civil servants 48 21 (17.5)
Artisans 22 15 (12.5)
Others (e.g. house wives) 14 4 (3.3)