Table 1: Data input and assumptions in the model.

Variable No. Variable Baseline scenario Source
1 Average birth cohort 2004-2013 109,089 Statistics Sweden
2 Average number of reported cases 2004-2013 93 [34]
3 Risk of pertussis (average annual reported incidence per 100,000 infants) 85.3 Derived from variable 1 and 2
4 Pertussis, level 1 52% [34]
5 Share hospitalized 35% [34]
6 Pertussis, level 2 21% [34]
7 Share hospitalized 44% [34]
8 Pertussis, level 3 27% [34]
9 Share hospitalized 95% [34]
10 Vaccine coverage among infants 98% [36]
11 Vaccine coverage among adults 60% [21,37,38]
12 Risk reduction with cocooning 48% [3]
13 Risk reduction with maternal 67% [3]
14 Risk reduction with on-schedule vaccination 28% [27]
15 Fraction of reduction in hospitalization with on-schedule vaccination, all levels 38% [27]