Table 3: Sero-prevalence of HBsAg by Occupation, Blood Transfusion & Gestational age among women attending antenatal care at FMC, Central Nigeria.

Occupation Number Tested (%) HBsAg Positive (%) χ2 value P value
Civil servant 50 (25.0) 7 (14.0) 6.62 0.863
Housewife 88 (44.0) 20 (22.7)
Student 62 (31.0) 12 (19.3)
Total 200 (100) 39 (56.0)
Hist. of blood transf Number Tested (%) HBsAg Positive (%) χ2 value P value
Yes 57 (25.0) 17 (29.8) 0.64 0.016
No 143 (71.5) 22 (15.3)
Total 200 (100) 39 (45.1)
Gestation Age Number Tested (%) HBsAg Positive (%) χ^2value P value^
1st Trimester 77 (38.5) 14 (18.2) 5.73 0.010
2nd Trimester 100 (50.0) 22 (15.3)
3rd Trimester 23 (11.5) 9 (39.2)
Total 200 (100) 39 (45.1)