Table 1: Comparison of rotavirus EIA tests results by age, gender and year among children less than 5 years of age presenting with AGE in Siaya, western Kenya, 2010 to 2013.

Characteristic Negative (%) n = 1276 Positive (%) n = 401 Total N = 1677 P-value
Male 715 (75.7) 230 (24.3) 945 0.641
Female 561 (76.6) 171 (23.4) 732
Age Category
0-5 months 316 (71.8) 124 (28.2) 440 < 0.0001
6-11 months 441 (73.0) 163 (27.0) 604
12-23 months 337 (78.7) 91 (21.3) 428
24-59 months 182 (88.8) 23 (11.2) 205
Distribution by year
2010 2010 148 (23.9) 619 0.51
2011 351 (73.9) 124 (26.1) 475
2012 263 (77.6) 76 (22.4) 339
2013 191 (78.3) 53 (21.7) 244