Table 3: Number of individuals infected with trypanosome species in each category.

C/N Factor Grouping Classification Number of Infected cattle in t1 Number of Infected cattle in t2 Total Infected cattle
1 Age (years) Age ≤ 1 Year Calf 0 4 4 (40%)
1 < age ≤ 2 Young 1 2 3 (15.8%)
age > 2 Adult 3 14 17 (15.2%)
2 Treatment(yes/no) Treated < 21 Treated 1 6 7 (26.9%)
Not treated Untreated 3 14 17 (14.8%)
Treated > 21 days
3 Herd size (n) 1-50 Small 2 3 5 (13.2%)
51-100 Medium 1 11 12 (18.5%)
Above 100 Large 1 6 7 (18.4%)
4 Sex (m/f) Male 1 4 5 (33.3%)
Female 3 16 19 (15.1%)
5 Previous infection(y/n) Previously infected 25 11 36 (12.7%)
Previously not infected 116 130 246 (86.6%)