Table 5: Linear mixed effect models among risk factors which showed significant effects in the study villages (Kimotorok and Oltukai, none reveled significant effects in Sukuro)*.

Oltukai Kimotorok
Variable Coeff ± SE P Coeff ± SE P
Intercept 3.8989 ± 1.1572.564 0.99911 -3.3685 ± 0.8161 3.66e-05
Male 4.369 ± 1.419 0.00207 3.1109 ± 1.2041 0.009777
Small herd size 4.369 ± 1.419 0.00207 4.369 ± 1.419 0.000754
Previous infection 3.0629 ± 1.1141 0.005973
Random effect = season
AIC = 169.1, logLik = -75.5, df = 273 AIC = 165.0, Loglik = -79.5, df = 159.0

*Sampling period is included as a random factor and the standard deviations (S.D) are reported. Intercepts represents female for sex, large for herd size, adult for age and treated for treatment.