Table 5: Injuries observed in the study. X2 analysis to test H0: There is not statistically significant difference between extrusion, protrusion or bulge in those patients who received treatment (physical therapy, ozone and intravenous injections) to reduce the low back pain at a significance level of P < 0.05 using 2 as degrees of freedom (v).

Treatment success
Injury Yes n (%) No n (%) Total P value X2 calculated X2 table H0
Extrusion 163 (10.6%) 41 (2.7%) 204 (13.2%) 0.1571 3.7010 5.9915 Accepted
Protrusion 574 (37.2%) 202 (13.1%) 776 (50.4%)
Bulge 411 (26.7%) 150 (9.7%) 561 (36.4%)
Total 1148 (74.5%) 393 (25.5%) 1,541 (100%)