Table 2: Suggestions and tips for preventing muscle strain and musculoskeletal disorders in the clinical setting [1,14-16].

Suggestions for prevention of MSD:

Erect Back Posture

Maintain lower back curve and avoid excessive flexion of the neck.

Correct Lighting and Magnification

Enable improved postures.

Appropriate chair and patient position

Keep hips approximately 15 degrees above the knees and ensure patients are at the correct height for the procedure being carried out (Note: This may differ for maxillary/mandibular positions).

Avoid twisting

To help avoid muscle imbalance and compensatory muscle activity.

Stretching and strengthening exercises

May help reverse the strain placed upon muscle groups and reduce muscle ischaemia. Alternating between sitting and standing may help.

Foot position


Keep feet on the ground and reposition regularly to avoid muscle fatigue.

Balance daily activities

To avoid extreme movements and utilise automated instruments where possible.

Four handed dentistry

Practice four or six handed dentistry with appropriate task delegation.