Table 7: Medians and interquartile range for interest in alternative medicine (n = 21).


Placebo (Med, IQR)

High Dose (Med, IQR)

Low Dose (Med, IQR)

1) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) cost less than traditional (drug) treatments.

3.00 (1.75-3.25)

2.50 (1.75-3.50)

3.00 (2.00-4.00)

2) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) have fewer side effects than traditional (drug) treatments.

3.50 (2.75-4.00)

3.00 (2.00-3.00)

3.00 (3.00-3.00)

3) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) are safer for long term use than traditional (drug) treatments.

3.00 (2.00-4.25)

3.00 (2.00-3.25)

3.00 (3.00-4.00)

4) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) cost less than traditional (behavioral/psychological) treatments.

3.50 (2.50-4.25)

3.00 (3.00-3.50)

3.00 (3.00-4.00)

5) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) have fewer side effects than traditional (behavioral/psychological) treatments.

3.00 (3.00-4.00)

2.50 (2.00-3.50)

3.00 (2.00-3.00)

6) Alternative therapies (for example, nutritional, dietary, or herbal supplements) are safer for long term use than traditional (behavioral/psychological) treatments.

3.00 (2.75-4.00)

3.00 (2.00-3.50)

3.00 (2.00-4.00)


Note: Values range from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree), with 3 indicating agree.