Table 2: Energy and nutrient intake of young Thais (n = 297) estimated from food composition tables developed in Japan, Thai and the USDA.

Food composition table in Japan Food composition table in Thai Food composition table in USDA p value1 p value2 Correlation coefficient3
Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max (Japan-Thai) (Japan-USDA) (Thai-USDA)
Energy (kcal) 1681 875 431 4871 1539 835 452 4897 1518 804 412 4973 0.0361 US-JP 0.95 0.97 0.97
Protein (g) 62.4 30.4 13.6 183.6 64.8 31.9 13.8 189.2 68.4 34 13.8 211.5 0.0693 0.98 0.98 0.97
Fat (g) 45.2 24.2 8 145.7 40.1 21.2 8 125.9 45.4 25.2 8 161.2 0.0088 JP-TH, TH-US 0.94 0.91 0.92
Carbohydrate (g) 247.9 148.2 58 871.8 223.1 139.3 51.3 871.1 205.3 120.1 45.1 794 0.0007 US-JP 0.91 0.96 0.95
Calcium (mg) 537 297 75 1750 672 365 88 2109 719 392 94 2926 < 0.0001 JP-TH, US-JP 0.96 0.97 0.93
Phosphorus (mg) 917 435 191 2444 1032 511 200 2917 1120 544 230 3542 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US 0.98 0.98 0.96
Iron (mg) 6.7 3.5 1.3 18.9 12.9 7.1 2.3 36.8 11.2 5.6 1.7 30.8 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US, TH-US 0.89 0.9 0.87
Retinol (ugRE) 1298 1161 72 6999 1783 1247 181 7114 1677 1388 140 `8119 < 0.0001 JP-TH, US-JP 0.91 0.98 0.96
Niacin (mgNE) 12.3 6.8 2 39.2 14.3 8.2 2.9 53.2 20.7 11.1 3.2 61.2 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US, TH-US 0.92 0.92 0.86
Vitamin B1 (mg) 1.05 0.63 0.13 4.42 1.1 0.67 0.12 4.3 1.71 0.97 0.27 6.37 < 0.0001 JP-US, TH-US 0.88 0.91 0.88
Vitamin B1 (mg) 1.5 0.76 0.26 4.35 1.98 0.96 0.33 5.57 2.03 1 0.4 6.24 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US 0.95 0.93 0.9
Vitamin E (mg) 7.4 4.5 1 25.8 4.5 2.3 0.5 14.5 6 3.4 0.9 22 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US, TH-US 0.86 0.87 0.76
Vitamin C (mg) 78 48 6 241 95 67 4 432 112 113 7 1078 < 0.0001 JP-TH, JP-US, TH-US 0.87 0.84 0.88
Total Dietary Fiber (g) 10.6 6.3 1.3 37.9 5.1 3.3 0.6 22.1 11.6 6.4 1.8 37.9 < 0.0001 JP-TH, TH-US 0.9 0.97 0.91
Salt (g) 24.2 12.3 5.6 76.2 25.1 12.7 3.8 80.8 27.4 13.7 4 86.4 0.0078 US-JP 1 0.98 0.99

1ANOVA; 2Tukey-Kramer, TH: food composition table in Thai; JP: food composition table in Japan; US: food composition table in USDA; 3Spearman rank-correlation coefficient, all p values of correlation coefficients are < 0.001.