Table 4: Logistic regression of generalized and central obesity on various nutritional variables

Obesity by BMI Obesity by WC
Independent variable Odds Ratio (95%CI) p-value Odds Ratio (95%CI) p-value
Age (≥ 40 vs. < 40) 1.02 (1.01-1.03) < 0.0001 2.12 (1.72-2.60) < 0.0001
Gender (M vs. F) 0.67 (0.55-0.81) < 0.0001 0.60 (0.49-0.73) < 0.0001
Marital status (Married vs. Un-married) 2.65 (1.96-3.61) < 0.0001 1.81 (1.39-2.33) < 0.0001
Physically active (Moderate Activity 150 min/wk. or more vs. No activity)¥ 0.95 (0.79-1.14) 0.58 0.72 (0.57-0.90) 0.006
Servings of fruit eaten in a day (≥ 2 vs. < 2)* 0.96 (0.88-1.05) 0.4 1.15 (0.93-1.42) 0.19
Servings of vegetables eaten in a day (≥ 3 vs. < 3)* 1.04 (0.96-1.12) 0.34 1.33 (0.99-1.78) 0.053
No. of meals per week not prepared at a home (≥ 4 vs. < 4)ǂ 0.98 (0.94-1.02) 0.33 0.9 (0.70-1.15) 0.401
No. of days per week eating sweets (≥ 4 days vs. < 4)ǂ 0.97 (0.94-1.01) 0.14 0.89 (0.73-1.08) 0.25
No. of days per week drinking sugar sweetened beverages (≥ 4 days vs. < 4)ǂ 1.06 (1.02-1.10) 0.01 1.12 (0.87-1.40) 0.38
Fast Food consumption per week (≥ 1 days vs. 0) 0.98 (0.92-1.04) 0.52 0.84 (0.68-1.03) 0.102

* Based on Qatar dietary guidelines [39], ǂ Divided into two equal categories, ¥ > 600 MET-minute/week