Table 1: Baseline demographic and health characteristics of participants (n = 128).

Characteristic N (%)
Sex Male 39 (30%)
Female 89 (70%)
Race/Ethnicity White Non-Hispanic 28 (22%)
African American 66 (52%)
White Hispanic 13 (10%)
Asian 8 (6%)
Other 13 (10%)
Education Level < High School 27 (21%)
High School/GED 27 (21%)
Some College 24 (19%)
College 25 (20%)
> College 24 (19%)
Relationship Status


Married/Living Together

25 (20%)

66 (51%)

Divorced/Separated 27 (21%)
Widowed 10 (8%)
Comorbid Condition Hypertension 62 (48%)
Coronary Artery Disease 6 (5%)
Alcohol Consumption Never 49 (38%)
Once/month 31 (24%)
2-4 times/month 19 (15%)
1-3 times/week 22 (17%)
4 or more times/week 7 (5%)
Cigarette Smoking Never 83 (65%)
Former 23 (18%)
Current 22 (17%)
Exercise Never 43 (34%)
1-2 times/week 51 (40%)
3-4 times/week 23 (18%)
5 or more times/week 11 (9%)
Age (Years) 53.7 (14.2)