Table 2B: Other concomittant diseases among a cohort of 175 Patients with an Intracranial Aneurysm: Unruptured intracranial aneurysm (UIA); SAH: Sub arachnoidal haemorrhage; FPP: French population prevalence; F: Female; M: Male. Data significantly (5% or less) differing from the FPP are squared.

Characteristics % Whole SAH All SAH F SAH M UIA All UIA F UIA M FPP 50 yrs Reference
Coronaropathy 5 3.41 1.4 6.6 7 7.7 5.3 1.9 < P < 3.9
Asymp 18
INVS, Calvet, et al. [20]
Valvulopathy 1.7 2.6 2.8 2.2 0 0 0 2 < P < 6 Nkomo, et al. [13]
Arythmia 5.1 2.6 2.8 2.2 10.3 12.8 5.3
AMI 2.3 1 1.4 0 5.2 7.7 0 3 INSERM
LLOA 4 1.7 2.7 0 8.6 10.2 5.2 0.8 < P < 7 INSERM
Total cardiovasc 18.1 11.31 11.1 11 31.1 38.4 15.8
COPD X 11.4 9.4 9 9.7 15.5 20.5 5.2 4 < P < 8 INVS
Vascular 15 13 14 11 19 28 0 11 < P < 24 Varicose V
Benign tumors 16.7 14.5 18 9 20.7 23 16 9 INVS
Cancers 13.4 10.3 10 11 19 23 10.5 P < 5 INCa
Inflam. & endoc 26.3 22.2 25 17.8 34.5 38.5 26
hypothyroidism 7.5 8 0.4-2 Wémeau, et al. [13]
Lithiasis & Ca++ disorders 13.1 13.7 10.3 15.8 12.1 15.3 11.1 Urinary 10
Biliary 20
Daudon M, et al. [14]
Gynaecology 25.1 22.2 34.7 - 31.0 46.2 -