Table 3: Variables of reproductive history and gestational factors predicting prematurity - MEJC, Brazil, 2017.

Variable Odds ratio IC 95% p-value R2 Cox & snell
Reproductive history 0.7%
Previous vaginal delivery
None 1.00
1 to 2 1.23 1.04-1.45 0.019
3 or more 0.90 0.68-1.20 0.461
Previous caesarian section
None 1.00
1 to 2 0.70 0.58-0.85 < 0.001
3 or more 0.76 0.38-1.51 0.428
Gestational factors 6.7%
Type of pregnancy
Single 1.00
Multiple 5.41 3.79-7.73 < 0.001
Prenatal care
Adequate 1.00
Inadequate 2.13 1.68-2.70 0.001
Cephalic 1.00
Breech/shoulder 3.01 2.25-4.03 < 0.001
Type of birth
Vaginal 1.00
Cesarean section 0.66 0.57-0.78 < 0.001