Table 2: Morrey score [5].

The Morrey score has a maximum of 100 points, including points for the following: pain (max. 30 points for no pain at all), function (max. 12 points for no limitations in daily life), mobility (max. 37 points for no restrictions of movement), strength (max. 15 points), and stability (max. 6 points). Results are scored accordingly: very good (100-95 points), good (94-80), satisfactory (79-50), poor (≤ 49).

Pain (max. 30 points)

·         No pain

·         Some pain, no pain medication

·         Some pain, daily medication

·         Severe pain

·         Unbearable pain


30 points

25 points

15 points

5 points

0 points

Strength (max.15 points)

·         Flexion

·         Extension

·         Pronation

·         Supination


Max.5 points

Max.4 points

Max.3 points

Max.3 points

Mobility (max.37 points)

·         Flexion

·         Extension

·         Pronation

·         Supination


Max. 17 points

Max. 8 points

Max. 6 points

Max. 6 points

Stability (max. 6 points)

·         Anterior/posterior

·         Medial/lateral


Max. 3 points

Max. 3 points

Function (max. 12 points)

·         Put hands in back pockets

·         Stand up from chair

·         Use the restroom alone

·         Wash the opposite armpit

·         Eat with silverware

·         Comb hair

·         Bear weight with bent arm

·         Cloth oneself

·         Pull with the arm

·         Daily activities are possible

·         Sport

·         Throw

Max. 12 points



·         95-100 points

·         80-94 points

·         50-79 points

·         49 points


Very good


