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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5823/1510049

Building a Virtual Learning Environment for Distance Education in Nursing Oncology

Maria das Gracas Silva Matsubara and Edvane Birelo Lopes De Domenico

Article Type: Mini Review | First Published: May 31, 2016

The new demands of a globalized and competitive market have targeted health services to have an attitude focused on client welfare, through a process of providing services with quality, whose advantage is in the intellectual capital of its human resources which result from continuous processes of education....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510016

Tubo-Ovarian Abscess in Second Trimester of Pregnancy after Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval: Challenges in Management

Andrikopoulou M, Apostol DO R, Becker A and FR Nezhat

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: June 05, 2016

A 39-year-old primigravida female presented at 16 weeks gestation, with new onset of severe abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting. Her medical history was significant for infertility and ovarian endometrioma during oocyte retrieval. Current gestation was complicated by an emergent laparoscopy with drainage of a ruptured endometrioma in the first trimester. On examination, she had acute abdomen and sonogram showed a viable pregnancy and a 10 cm left adnexal mass. Emergent laparoscopy was perfor...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510013

Coronary Stenting in the Elderly: Current Status and Future Developments

SR Gnanenthiran, A Yong and HC Lowe

Article Type: Brief Review | First Published: June 21, 2016

An 86-year-old independent but frail woman living at home, presented with recurrent chest pain and pulmonary oedema. Her past history included recurrent medically managed non ST elevation myocardial infarction, heart failure and steroid responsive idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP). The electrocardiogram demonstrated lateral ST depression and T wave inversion. High sensitivity troponin T rose from 39 ng/L to 65 ng/L. Echocardiogram demonstrated normal left ventricular ejection fraction and hypoki...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410110

Primary Epiploic Appendagitis

Neha Gupta, Tony A Abdel Maseeh, Leyden Standish-Parkin and Yekaterina Sitnitskaya

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: June 10, 2016

Epiploic appendagitis is a rare diagnosis in pediatric population. It is a benign, self-limiting condition caused by infarction, torsion or thrombosis of the fatty appendages on the serosal surface of the colon. It can be a diagnostic dilemma as it can mimic acute appendicitis or diverticulitis, depending on its location. We report a case of a teenage girl who presented with right lower quadrant abdominal pain without any associated vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Laboratory work up was non-contr...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3286.1510010

Outcomes Associated with a Heparin-Free Hemodialysis Protocol and Review of the Literature

Elizabeth Liang, Mayra Rodriguez, Melissa Mueller, Matthew K Abramowitz and Michele H Mokrzycki

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: May 20, 2016

Background: We aimed to determine outcomes associated with a heparin-free hemodialysis (H-HD) protocol in hospitalized patients. Methods: A retrospective study comparing 2 intra-dialytic heparin protocols: H + HD (routine heparin prime/bolus dosing) and H-HD (saline prime, heparin avoidance). HD circuit patency, need for intra-dialytic interventions and patient bleeding events were the outcomes....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-346X/1410059

Relation of Pupil Size and Cataract Surgery using PupilX

Annekatrin Rickmann, Maria Waizel, Peter Szurman and Karl T Boden

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: July 08, 2016

Pupil size of healthy study participants was measured with infrared-video PupilX pupillometer (MEye Tech GmbH) at 5 different illumination levels (0, 0.5, 4, 32 and 250 lux) before and after cataract surgery. Measurements were performed by the same investigator. 90 images were recorded during a measurement period of 3 seconds. The absolute linear camera resolution was approximately 20 pixels per mm....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-346X/1410058

A Novel Osmoprotectant Tear Substitute for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

Giuseppe Giannaccare, Michela Fresina and Piera Versura

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: July 05, 2016

Thirty patients (24 women, 6 men, median age 45.5 yrs) were enrolled. Inclusion criteria were: age ≥ 18 years, good general health, ocular discomfort symptoms for over three months, Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) score ranging from 18 to 36, Schirmer test > 10 mm/5 min, Tear Film Break Up Time (TBUT) < 10 sec, corneal fluorescein staining ranging from 1 to 7 according to NEI level. Patients were administered three times daily for a two-month period with Isomar Eyes Plus, a hypotonic s...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510017

A Retrospective Comparison of Pre-Operative Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA) Performed at 100 versus 120 kVp Tube Energies and Surgical Findings at Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy

Pardeep Mittal, Courtney C Moreno, Jianhai Li, Kenneth Newell, William E Torres and William Small

Article Type: Retrospective Review | First Published: July 19, 2016

Introduction: A retrospective review of patients who underwent preoperative Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA) prior to living laparoscopic renal donation was performed. Image quality and accuracy were compared at 120 and 100 kVp tube energies with respect to quantitative image parameters and prediction of surgical findings. Material and methods: A total of 193 patients were reviewed, all of whom underwent laparoscopic donor nephrectomy with preceding CTA evaluation over a 5.5 year period......

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510016

Radiation Protection in X-Ray Computed Tomography: Literature Review

Khalid G Alsafi

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: July 18, 2016

The aim of this study was to evaluate radiation protection techniques in computed tomography (CT) scanning, address concerns on the increased population exposure during CT procedures, and provide a review on dose management and optimization procedures. Radiation protection in CT requires regular dose surveys and optimization of CT exposure parameters, establishing and/or implementing diagnostic references (DRLs), implementation of a comprehensive quality assurance program, reference dose levels,...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510015

Low Dose CT of the Brain in the Follow-up of Intracranial Hemorrhage

Stella Blasel, Luisa Huck, Juergen Konczalla, Stephanie Lescher, Hanns Ackermann, Joachim Berkefeld and Marlies Wagner

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: July 16, 2016

Objectives: Adult patients with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) are often young but receive serial cranial computer tomography (CCT). To lower their cumulative radiation dose risks, we evaluated applicability of low dose cranial CT (LD-CCT) in the follow-up of ICH patients compared to an initial standard dose cranial CT (SD-CCT). Methods: 53 ICH patients underwent initial SD-CCT (350 mAs/120 kV) and follow-up LD-CCT (either 220 or 240 mAs/120 kV). Iterative reconstruction used for both dose levels...

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