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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-2951/1410110

Mass Regression after Aortic Valve Replacement in Aortic Stenosis: A Comparison between

Giordano Tasca, FrancescoTrinca, Beatrice Riva, Douglas Skouse, Elisabetta Lobiati, Caterina Chiara DeCarlini and Amando Gamba

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: April 11, 2018

Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy is a form of adaptation to a chronic cardiac overload. In the setting of aortic stenosis (AS), LV hypertrophy develops to limit the increase of LV systolic wall stress. Aortic valve replacement (AVR), is expected to eliminate the LV burden, inducing regression of LV hypertrophy....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/cabjd-2017/1710003

Use of the LRINEC Score in Diabetic Patients

Timothy T Cheng, Joseph Carreau and Alexandra Schwartz

Article Type: Original Research Article | First Published: April 11, 2018

The LRINEC (laboratory risk indicators for necrotizing fasciitis) score was developed in 2004 to help distinguish necrotizing fasciitis from severe soft tissue infections. Some of the laboratory tests, however, may be elevated at baseline in diabetic patients....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3672/1410027

Cellular Contact between Red Blood Cell and Endothelial Cells after High Dose Immunoglobulin Therapy Might Depend on Non-Immunological Mechanism

Nagahito Saito, Nobuo Takemori, Enrique Rewald, Hiroshi Nagura, Yutaka Kohgo and Hong-Kean Ooi

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: April 09, 2018

High dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG) has been performed for increase of platelet to patients with immune-thrombocytopenia (ITP). We observed by standard and immunoelectron microscopy the phenomenon of the direct cell to cell contact between red blood cells (RBCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) in bone marrow (BM) of patients with ITP (ITP-patients) after IVIG and then compared to that of the mice injected human immunoglobulin (IgG). RBCs were observed to adhere directly to the ECs of...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4061.1510010

Recent Advances in Mercury Detection; Towards Enabling a Sensitive and Rapid Point-of-Check Measurement

Nurfatini Busairi and Amir Syahir

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: April 09, 2018

Heavy metals emission, in particular, mercury is ever increasing due to global urbanization and industrialization. Due to increasing number of health problems related to heavy metals contamination, monitoring it becomes a crucial task for authorities and environmentalists. Therefore, the development of a nanobiosensing technique that can detect mercury ions as low as 1 ppb for its limit of quantification is necessary to provide sufficient information to ensure a sustainable and healthy environme...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/iaphcm-2017/1710006

Survey of Curriculum and Training Opportunities for Higher Old Age Psychiatry Speciality Trainees in the UK

Victor M Aziz, Natalie Hill and Danika Rafferty

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: April 07, 2018

Psychiatric training consists of core psychiatry training for three years during which trainees has to pass the College membership examination MRCPsych before they enter the Old Age Psychiatry specialty training for further 3 years. The curriculum for specialist training in Old Age Psychiatry is being reviewed by the Old Age Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-4630/1410062

Perioperative Cardiac Stent Thrombosis Versus Bleeding: A Clinical Dilemma in Trauma Patients

Nwokolo Omonele O and Wegner Robert C

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: April 05, 2018

Heart disease is prevalent in current patient population at an increasing level. Some of these patients have had interventions such as stent placements to improve quality of life and are started on antiplatelet therapy for a definite period of time or indefinitely based on their risk factors, comorbidities or type of stents placed. When these patients present to the hospital with major trauma, the surgical and anesthetic management threads a delicate line between protection of the stents and pre...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/ijor-2017/1710004

Clinical Results of Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Stage III Pancreatic Cancer: A Single Institutional Experience

Yoshiomi Hatayama, Masahiko Aoki, Hideo Kawaguchi, Katsumi Hirose, Mariko Sato, Ichitaro Fujioka, Mitsuki Tanaka, Koji Ichise, Shuichi Ono and Yoshihiro Takai

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: March 31, 2018

Fifteen patients with locally advanced stage III pancreatic cancer underwent radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy between July 2006 and April 2014. We used 10 MV X-rays and multiple coplanar (two to four) fields. The number of fractions ranged between 20 and 28 with a fraction size of 1.8Gy. A total dose of 36-50.4Gy at the isocenter of the planning target volume (PTV) was administered to each patient. Fourteen patients received chemotherapy during radiotherapy. The cumulative su...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-346X/1410084

The Effect of Prostaglandin Analogues on Central Corneal Thickness

Umut Duygu Uzunel

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: March 31, 2018

Prostaglandin (PG) analogues are being widely used to reduce Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients. These drugs reduce IOP by stimulation of aqueous humor drainage primarily through the uveoscleral outflow pathway but significant effects on trabecular outflow facility also have been reported. The suggested mechanism of IOP reduction involves aqueous humor outflow enhancement through the uveoscleral pathway accompanied by collagen degradation in the ciliary body. This collagen degradati...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/iacph-2017/1710001

Human Physiology in Extreme Heat and Cold

Braian M Beker, Camila Cervellera, Antonella De Vito and Carlos G Musso

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: March 31, 2018

The interest in the human body physiological capacity to adapt to extreme heat and cold conditions has increased enormously in the last few decades because of global warming and the consequent changing temperatures. The human body has multiple thermoregulatory mechanisms to counter the external extreme temperatures whose main objective is to keep temperature homeostasis within normal values. As exposure time to these stressful conditions increases and the external temperature becomes even more e...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3397/1410065

Application of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning in Undergraduate Surgery Course

Muhammad Shamim

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: April 05, 2018

This questionnaire-based quasi-experimental study was conducted prospectively in the department of Surgery at the end of Surgery II course. The questionnaire comprised of items asking about demography, prior operating room experience, overall satisfaction and items based on principles of cognitive theory of multimedia learning....

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A Pictorial Essay on Fibromuscular Dysplasia Imaging: Beyond the String of Beads

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Acute Appendicitis Associated with Mesenteric Tuberculosis: A Case Report

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DOI: 10.23937/2378-3397/1410168

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