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  Last Updated: February 07, 2025

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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3243.1510038

Survey of Pain Therapies in Marfan Syndrome

Traci J Speed, Matthew Hand, Paul D Sponseller, Kayode A Williams and Claudia M Campbell

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 05, 2017

Pain in Marfan syndrome is common, although frequently under diagnosed and undertreated. Few studies have investigated the treatment of pain symptoms in Marfan syndrome and no study has reported on the use of opioid therapy in this patient population. This study aims to characterize the use of pain treatment interventions, including opioid use in individuals with Marfan syndrome....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2474-3690/1510026

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition with Antiradicalar Activity of Thornback Ray Gelatin Hydrolysate: Determination and Separation of Peptide Fractions

Imen Lassoued, Rim Nasri, Jridi Mourad and Moncef Nasri

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 07, 2017

Bioactive peptides from collagen and gelatin with antioxidant and antihypertensive properties have become a topic of great interest for health and food preservation industries. Thornback Ray Skin Gelatin Hydrolysate with an hydrolysis degree of 9.23% was prepared by treatment with Alcalase (TRGH-Alcalase)....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-346X/1410078

Bacterial Conjunctivitis Secondary to Novel Party Game

Derek K-H Ho and Sejal Bhatt

Article Type: Clinical Image | First Published: September 09, 2017

A 42-year-old female was referred to eye casualty for suspected left orbital cellulitis with swollen eyelids, photosensitivity, pain and yellow discharge. 24 hours previously, she had played a party game wherein whipped cream was flung into her left eye; she immediately wiped the eye clean....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5750/1510048

Natural or Synthetic Anti-Melanogenic Compounds That Block the PDGFR-EGFR-PAK1-MITF-Tyrosinase Signaling Pathway

Hiroshi Maruta, Pham-Thi Be-Tu and Mok-Ryeon Ahn

Article Type: Mini Review | First Published: September 04, 2017

A natural sleeping pill and 'elixir' (longevity-promoter) called 'Melatonin' is one of the first natural anti-melanogenic compounds, and originally derived from bovine pineal glands. However, currently the majority of melatonin product in the market is chemically synthesized. Since then a wide variety of anti-melanogenic compounds such as curcumin, CAPE (Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester), and Artepillin C (ARC) were identified in nature as well as chemically synthesized compounds such as Gleevec....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510033

Association of Bone Mineral Density with Frailty, Pre-Frailty, and Osteoporosis in Community-Dwelling Elderly: A Prospective Study

Ellen Cristina de Sousa e Silva Araujo, Valéria Pagotto and Erika Aparecida Silveira

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 31, 2017

Bone health and its relationships with several health outcomes of adults and elderly have been in the spotlight of recent research, as its consequences affect morbimortality. In literature, there is evidence that decreases in Bone Mineral Density (BMD) are due to the natural ageing process for both sexes, however more prevalent for women, with consequences such as increased risk of fractures, falls and incapacities in the female group....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510032

Toward Developing a Novel Neurocognitive Frailty Index in the Elderly

Pakzad S, Bourque P, Feldman H and Fallah N

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 31, 2017

Rapid demographical change in developing countries is much more than a transition. It is about increased health care utilization, dramatic vulnerability related to health changes, higher risk of institutionalization, and mortality. Chronological age is a very important factor in the aging process; however, people of the same chronological age are often dramatically different in their health, level of activity, quality of life, and survival....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5734/1510047

Effect of Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Masticatory Muscles' Thickness, Bite Force, Mandibular Mobility and Quality of Life of Adult Women

Laíse Angélica Mendes Rodrigues, Selma Siéssere, Graziela De Luca Canto, Oswaldo Luiz Stamato Taube, Edson Donizetti Verri, Leonardo Giovannetti Palinkas, Isabela Hallak Regalo, Simone Cecilio Hallak Regalo and Marcelo Palinkas

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 01, 2017

Chronic degenerative diseases modify the function of the human organism, altering the quality of life. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, which is considered progressive, autoimmune, chronic and inflammatory systemic disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is usually identified by swelling, stiffness and destruction of synovial cartilages, and can promote joint deformities and muscle fatigue....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5734/1510046

Therapeutic Strategies in Dental Origin Mediastinitis: Cases Report

Socha Agnieszka, Niedzielska Iwona and Lyko-Morawska Dorota

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: August 21, 2017

Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis (DNM) can be dangerous complication after infection in the head and neck region. In spite of possibilities of using wide range of antibiotics, with isolated DNM, mortality approaches 40-50%, and when associated with comorbidities, rates as high as 80% has been reported respectively....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5734/1510045

Some Facts about Climate, Air Temperature and Geographic Length and Water Supply in the Republic of Macedonia

Ambarkova Vesna and Manu Batra

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: July 24, 2017

The optimal amount of fluoride in drinking water is just one of the factors that positively influence the occurrence of dental caries and has an effect on the oral health of the population of the Republic of Macedonia. The correlation existing between dental fluorosis and fluorine concentration in water is based on average water consumption, a condition that depends directly from air temperature and local climate conditions....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-2951/1410101

Value of a New QT Interval Correction Formula in Adjusting for Increases in Heart Rate

Simon W Rabkin

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: August 03, 2017

QT interval correction for heart rate (QTc) is essential for clinical usage. A new QTc formula has been developed based on a data agnostic mathematical approach in a large population ECG data base. The formula requires testing on a within individual basis under conditions of intervention to increase heart rate....

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Camille Blouin, MD and Karine Girard, MD, FRCSC

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Woven EndoBridge (WEB) Device used for Vertebral Artery Sacrifice

Jason J. Sims, Bhageeradh Mulpur, MD2, Nick Khattar, MD and Adam A. Arthur, MD, MPH

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A Pictorial Essay on Fibromuscular Dysplasia Imaging: Beyond the String of Beads

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Acute Appendicitis Associated with Mesenteric Tuberculosis: A Case Report

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