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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510047

Effects of Daily and Flexible Non-Linear Periodization on Maximal and Submaximal Strength, Vertical Jump and Speed Performance of Brazilian Army Skydivers

Fabien Pereira da Silva, Jose Vilaca-Alves, Leonardo Lopes de Souza, Juliano Spineti dos Santos, Tiago Figueiredo, Gabriel Andrade Paz, Jeffrey M Willardson and Humberto Mirand

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: November 28, 2016

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of daily non-linear periodization (DNLP) and flexible (FNLP) models on maximal and submaximal strength, vertical jump and speed performance gains after 12 weeks of Brazilian army skydivers....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510046

Energy Restoration by an Original Fruits & Vegetables Juice Intake in a Cohort of Elderly People Affected by Sarcopenia

Maria Vadala, Beniamino Palmieri and Carmen Laurino

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: November 21, 2016

30 participants (27 women and 3 men) affected by sarcopenia were prescribed to drink a fixed volume of fruits & vegetables juice for 3 months. In this anecdotal and retrospective observational study, we filled questionnaire (0-5 rating) describing subjective well-being feelings, psycho-neurological traits, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular as well as any untoward effects....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3672/1410024

Fast Updosing of Subcutaneous House Dust Mite Immunotherapy is Well Tolerated by Pediatric Patients

Alice Kohli, Martin Glatz and Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier

Article Type: Original Research | First Published: December 22, 2016

Data on the safety of a cluster regimen to start a subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) with house dust mite (HDM) extract in pediatric patients are scarce. This study investigates the rate of adverse events (AEs) and the applicability of a cluster regimen for HDM SCIT in pediatric patients, and identifies possible risk factors for the development of AEs....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3987.1510008

Increase in Carbamazepine Serum Levels in Patient Treated with Voriconazole

Alberto Sanchez-Romero, Ana Valladolid-Walsh, Rafael Garcia-Delgado and Esperanza Lopez-Rubio

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 05, 2016

The addition of voriconazole to chronic treatment with carbamazepine 400 mg twice a day was associated with increased carbamazepine serum levels (14.1 mg/l) and serum concentration dose ratios. Three days after the voriconazole was started, this ratio doubled its value to 1. Carbamazepine concentration as well as serum concentration dose ratio gradually decreased after treatment with voriconazole was discontinued, suggesting a probable interaction between the two drugs, according to the drug int...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510027

Reduction of Bilateral Anterior Table Frontal Sinus Fractures Using Balloon Sinus Dilation Catheters: A Case Report

Andrew Petersen, Fariha Farid, Richard Klapchar, Sumit Bapna and Boris Karanfilov

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 03, 2016

We report the use of multiple balloon sinus dilation (BSD) catheters in the reduction of bilateral anterior table frontal sinus fractures in a 13-year-old male following sports injury. This case is unique in that it displays a less-invasive surgical correction of anterior table frontal sinus fractures using a new surgical tool and follows the literature-supported trend towards sinus preservation. More extensive frontal sinus fractures with severe comminution or displaced posterior table fracture...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510026

Laryngeal Tuberculosis: About 3 Cases from Morocco

Abou-elfadl M, Benzaouia A, Abada R, Rouadi S, Roubal M and Mahtar M

Article Type: Clinical Study | First Published: December 03, 2016

The laryngeal tuberculosis incidence decreased significantly since the development of antituberculosis drugsand early detection of new cases. Currently, it represents less than 1% of cases of extrathoracic tuberculosis. As tuberculosis is endemic in Morocco, we continue to see this rare localization. Its clinical presentation is atypical and endoscopic aspects are polymorphic, hence the difficulty of diagnostic. The aim of the study is to report three different observations of the laryngeal loca...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510048

Prenatal Vitamins Deficient in Recommended Choline Intake for Pregnant Women

Carl C Bell and Jessie Aujla

Article Type: Short Commentary | First Published: December 01, 2016

These findings indicate that currently pregnant women cannot get daily-recommended choline from prenatal vitamins. Accordingly, considering the general prevalence, and higher rates of fetal alcohol exposure in various communities, the authors suggest prenatal vitamin makers incorporate more choline into prenatal multivitamins in order to ensure unborn fetuses are guaranteed optimal development by preventing choline deficiency in pregnant women....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2474-1353/1510041

Impact of Body Composition on Optimal Competitive Body and its Consequences on Athletic Performance in Healthy Young

Zerf Mohammed, Mokkedes Moulay Idris, Hamek Bagdad, Houar Abelatif and Bengoua Ali

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: November 23, 2016

Body composition is one of the primary factor influence athlete's performance. Whereas several studies have reported that higher BMI is associated with reduced levels of physical performance, in addition, other results demonstrated that BMI is an accurate best tool to use as an indicator of body fatness in the general population where the relationship between BMI and physical performance has not been clarified....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3516/1410063

New Guidelines, Less Guidance, and the End of an Era: Healthcare -Associated Pneumonia in 2016

Jeena Jacob and Matthew Crotty

Article Type: Editorial | First Published: November 28, 2016

The 2005 guidelines recommended classification of patients based on their risk of infection by resistant bacterial pathogens. The now abandoned HCAP entity included any patient hospitalized in an acute care hospital for two or more days within 90 days of the infection; residing in a nursing home or long-term care facility; exposed to recent intravenous antibiotic-therapy, chemotherapy, or wound care within the past 30 days of the current infection; or on hemodialysis....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3516/1410062

Relationship between Documented Confirmation of Endotracheal Tube Position and Mortality in the Emergency Department

Michael P Phelan, Jonathan M Glauser, Fredric M Hustey, Motunrayo Mobolaji-Lawal and Stephen W Meldon

Article Type: Original Research | First Published: November 21, 2016

We analyzed an emergency department (ED) performance improvement (PI) database from an airway registry that was developed to monitor the care of patients undergoing endotracheal intubation in prehospital settings or in the study site ED. PI initiatives included implementation of electronic health record (EHR) documentation templates for ETT placement/confirmation, an online educational module, and performance feedback....

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Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews: 88.42

International Journal of Womens Health and Wellness: 91.79

Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Treatment: 91.73

Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology: 91.55

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Rare Case of Uterine Rupture: 29-Week Interstitial Pregnancy

Camille Blouin, MD and Karine Girard, MD, FRCSC

DOI: 10.23937/2377-9004/1410261

Woven EndoBridge (WEB) Device used for Vertebral Artery Sacrifice

Jason J. Sims, Bhageeradh Mulpur, MD2, Nick Khattar, MD and Adam A. Arthur, MD, MPH

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A Pictorial Essay on Fibromuscular Dysplasia Imaging: Beyond the String of Beads

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Acute Appendicitis Associated with Mesenteric Tuberculosis: A Case Report

Lair Antonio Lopez Velazquez, Mauricio Davila Cacique, Metztli Erreguin Brena, Ricardo Martin Lerma Alvarado and Maria del Carmen Aburto Fernandez

DOI: 10.23937/2378-3397/1410168

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