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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5793/1510040

Burnout in Families. The Emotional Burden of the 'Traumatized' Families

Francesco Franza, Gabriella Carpentieri, Serena De Guglielmo, Gianfranco Del Buono, Nicoletta Fiorentino, Mariangela Perito, Barbara Solomita and Vicenzo Fasano

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: August 02, 2016

Family members of people with chronic health problems can be affected by Burnout. A person who assists a suffering person, beyond the professional role, is indicated generally by the term 'caregiver'. The definition of Burnout in families is fairly recent, because the psychology of trauma has ignored a large segment of the traumatized and disabled subjects unwittingly, for a long time....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510020

What Should the Systolic Blood Pressure Treatment Goal be in Patients Aged 60 Years and Older with Hypertension in 2016?

Wilbert S Aronow

Article Type: Editorial | First Published: October 17, 2016

The target SBP reached was 150 mmHg, and the lowest SBP reached was 143 mmHg. Median follow-up was 1.8 years. Compared to patients randomized to placebo, patients randomized to antihypertensive drug therapy had a 30% reduction in fatal or nonfatal stroke, a 39% reduction in fatal stroke, a 21% reduction in all-cause mortality, a 23% reduction in cardiovascular death, and a 64% reduction in heart failure....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510019

Influence of Chemotherapy Schedule on the Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Elders versus Youngsters

Regina Girones and Jose Luis Monroy

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: October 15, 2016

The optimal chemotherapy regimen to use with radiotherapy in stage III locally-advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC) is unknown. Considering the lack of clear data and guidelines for elderly patients, we designed this review to examine patterns of care for elderly patients with LA-NSCLC with a regional hospital database....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510018

Blood Pressure, Nutritional Status and Physical Activity Level Affect the Health Related Quality of Life of Oldest Old?

Samantha Pereira Araujo, Thiago Souza Veiga Jardim, Ana Luiza Lima Sousa, Nayara Cristina Freitas e Silva, Weimar Kunz Sebba Barroso de Souza and Paulo Cesar Brandao Veiga Jardim

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: September 26, 2016

Blood pressure control and nutritional status did not influence health-related quality of life of very elderly hypertensive. Men have a better quality of life related to the physical aspects, and physically active individuals have a better health-related quality of life related to functional capacity. ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510016

Validation of the Family Physicians' Perception of Dementia Care Questionnaire: A Pilot Study

Sarah Pakzad, Paul Bourque, Lise Gallant, Denise Donovan and Amir A Sepehry

Article Type: Original Article | First Published: September 15, 2016

Aging is a major risk factor for dementia and evidence shows that community-dwelling elderly are underdiagnosed and undertreated. Family physicians (FP), as gatekeepers, play a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of dementia; hence an understanding of their perspective during this process is important. Currently, few studies have examined the Canadian FPs perspective towards dementia diagnosis using a validated questionnaire. Thus, a questionnaire to appraise FPs practices in the diagno...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5858/1510015

Post-Sroke Mania: A Case Series in a Rural, Community Hospital

Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Article Type: Case Series | First Published: September 12, 2016

Background and purpose: Post-stroke mania is thought to be rare, and has been described after lesions in the territory of the left medial cerebral artery, biparietal cortex, and the left putamen. Methods: Case-study methodology was used to identify similarities and difference among six cases of post-stroke mania in a rural, community hospital over 1 year....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410097

Cyst of Canal of Nuck: Our Experience

Juan Piazze, Ettore Palma, Francesco Recchia, Valerio D'Orazi, Daniela Romanzi, Michele Rosselli, Massimo Bratta and Silvio Rea

Article Type: Case Series | First Published: October 01, 2016

We report two cases of a cyst of the canal of Nuck in which sonography showed a tubular cystic structure characterized by internal septum localized within the inguinal canal. Unfortunately, Magnetic resonance (MRI) examination was not performed in the first case, however in the second case, MRI demonstrated that the mass suggested an hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck. Both cases were solved satisfactorily and confirmed cysts of canal of Nuck by means of laparoscopic technique....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410096

Pheochromocytoma in Pregnancy: A Review of the Literature

A Yulia, I W Seetho, A Ramineni and RAK Jaiyesimi

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: September 24, 2016

pheochromocytoma in pregnancy is a life-threatening condition. Although it is rare, if the diagnosis is missed or mismanaged, it has detrimental effect on both mother and fetus, with mortality up to 58%. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in pregnancy remains a huge challenge faced by clinicians due to its non-specific signs and symptoms and the fact that it mimics other conditions which occur much more commonly in pregnancy....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2377-9004/1410095

The Anesthetic Approach for a 27-Week Pregnant Woman Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Nilay Boztas, Sevda Ozkardesler, Mert Akan and Mine Sari

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: September 02, 2016

In pregnancy non-obstetric surgery involves many significant difficulties for the anesthetist. The majority of these procedures are non-elective and some are life-threatening. This report explains the preoperative preparation and general anesthetic method for a 27-week pregnant woman with osteofibrotic mass narrowing the left optic canal causing rapidly advancing loss of vision....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2474-3690/1510019

Intensive versus Standard Therapy for Hypertension: The Clinical Trials

Neal Shah, Nicolle M Siegart, Joshua De Leon and Allison B Reiss

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: October 19, 2016

Hypertension is the leading risk factor for premature death and disability. It can be controlled through lifestyle changes and use of antihypertensive medication. This review looks at intensive blood pressure reduction trials in non-diabetic, diabetic, and mixed patients' populations. The primary hypothesis for the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) is that treating to a systolic blood pressure target of < 120 mmHg (the intensive intervention) compared to a systolic blood pressu...

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Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cases - Reviews: 88.42

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