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  Last Updated: February 07, 2025

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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4010.1510010

Dermatologic Manifestations of Obesity: Part I Mechanical Causes

Reid Alexander Waldman and Anne H Kettler

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: January 16, 2016

Over the past several decades, the proportion of Americans suffering from obesity has risen drastically. Accompanying this increase in obesity is a concomitant increase in many of the co-morbidities associated with obesity, many of which are seen less frequently in persons with normal body weight. Notably, there has been an increase in dermatologic conditions seen in this special patient population....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5823/1510035

The Impact of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Chapter <800> On Nursing Practices

James P. Amerine and Lindsey B. Amerine

Article Type: Short Communication | First Published: February 21, 2016

Guidelines of handling hazardous drugs (HD) have been in existence since the early 1980s. Subsequent guidelines and recommendations by nursing and pharmacy organizations have further enhanced HD safety in health care settings. In early 2016, the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Chapter <800> (USP <800>) will be published in its final format providing health care facilities recommendations and requirements for handling HD in an attempt to reduce exposure to health care workers....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5823/1510033

Engagement and Ethics Entwined

Kathleen Hudson

Article Type: Short Commentary | First Published: February 07, 2016

Due to the intimate nature of nursing and caring, the ethical perspective of one's nursing is directly related to one's morals-along with one's inner sense of being a nurse. The nurse's ability to be engaged and connected within the work environment is reflected by a greater ethical dedication and reflection on her/his clinical practice. Notably, the current healthcare environment has a large impact on nurses' levels of work engagement. This is due to many factors within the environment: the per...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5823/1510032

Students' Perceptions of Psychomotor Skills Training: A Qualitative Study

Ayse Demiray, Ayla Kececi and Meral Yildirim Cetinkaya

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: February 03, 2016

Psychomotor learning is defined as learning new actions or reapplying the existing ones by modifying them. Psychomotor learning involves consistent and integrated operation of processes related to affective and cognitive functions. Individuals learn manual skills with the support of visual perception as well as exploring objects by touching. The principal learning objective in nursing education, as is the case for other occupational groups in the healthcare field, is to develop psychomotor skill...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-2951/1410068

Electrocardiographic Changes in Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Alexander Alzate, Marcela Munoz Urbano and Kenny Buitrago-Toro

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 15, 2015

Electrolytic variability modifies normal structures of segments and intervals on the electrocardiogram (ECG). We present a case that was referred to the Internal Medicine department by the Neurosurgery division for several pathological fractures.The electrocardiogram led us to a diagnostic approach and finally we show how electrocardiographic tracing changed after a treatment implementation. Finally, in this study we highlight the importance of an electrocardiogram on a patient's approach....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5807/1510026

The Cardiovascular Risk Prognostication in Diabetes Mellitus: The Role of Myeloid-related Protein Complex Calprotectin

Alexander E. Berezin

Article Type: Mini Review | First Published: February 26, 2016

The low-intense inflammation is discussed as a one of the clue of various faces of pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (DM) including insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunction, lipotoxity, oxidation injury that contributed in cardiovascular (CV) disease and clinical outcomes. However, there are a lot of candidates for on early biological marker that could stratify DM patients at CV risk. The myeloid-related protein 8/14 known as calprotectin is a heterodimeric complex of calcium-binding protei...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5807/1510025

Integration to Advance Translation

Estela S. Estape

Article Type: Commentary | First Published: February 26, 2016

The science of translation has been taken over very fast by health stakeholders such as: investors, shareholders, sponsors, practitioners or any interested party in healthcare. The main reason is the demand to transfer discoveries faster to the ones who are in most need: the participants or patients. Translation can be seen as the art of transferring scientific knowledge into evidenced based everyday practice; paving the way to increased effectiveness and efficiency in health care. The concept o...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5807/1510024

Transforming the 24/7 Clinical Laboratories - Design Considerations, Workflow and Relocation to New Diagnostics Building

Ng Wai Yoong and Yeo Chin Pin

Article Type: Perspective | First Published: February 26, 2016

Laboratory services in Singapore General Hospital (SGH), a national referral centre, acute tertiary and teaching hospital has changed through the years with its beginning since 1821 and as a modern hospital in 1926. An opportunity to design new facilities to transform the delivery of clinical tests and embrace future challenges came up with the confirmation of a new purpose-built Pathology building in 2009....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5807/1510023

Glutamate Concentrations in Plasma and CSF in Patients with Glioma and Meningioma

George Dimogerontas, Alexia Polissidis, Petros Karkalousos, Epameinondas Konstantinidis, Zeta Papadopoulou-Daifoti and Charis Liapi

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: February 07, 2016

Glioma, a malignant intra-axial brain tumor, can release glutamate that facilitates tumor expansion, stimulates tumor-cell proliferation and motility and promotes epileptic activity. Glutamate acid is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian Central Nervous System. We explore correlations of glutamate concentrations in blood and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with glioma in comparison to patients with meningioma which is the most common benign cerebral tumor....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5807/1510022

Potential Clinical Applications of Next Generation Fluorescence Immunohistochemistry for Multiplexed and Quantitative Determination of Biomarker in Breast Cancer

Hiroshi Tada, Kohsuke Gonda, Minoru Miyashita and Noriaki Ohuchi

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: February 03, 2016

Assessing breast cancer tissues for expression of multiple biomarkers, such as the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), and Ki67, provides critical information for patient management. However, the predictive power of these biomarkers for the selection of personalized therapeutic approaches is still limited. Application of fluorescence immunohistochemistry (IHC) has offered some promising breakthroughs in the multiplexed imaging and ...

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