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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5718/1510032

Validity of a Kinect-based Tracking System for Clinical Assessment of Knee Kinematics

Edward Nyman, Jr.

Article Type: Original Research Article | First Published: January 04, 2016

The primary objective of this study was validation of a three-dimensional single-camera system (Kinect) for use as a clinical screening tool for evaluating knee kinematics during drop jump landings. Lower extremity kinematics for each of eight adolescent female participants were simultaneously tracked by a traditional motion capture system and the prototype Kinect-based tracking system during performance of a drop jump landing task. Peak sagittal plane knee flexion angle and minimum knee separat...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4045.1510015

Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Auto-Transplantation in Children with Chronic Pancreatitis

Megan Berger, Melena Bellin, Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg and Srinath Chinnakotla

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: December 19, 2015

Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an uncommon diagnosis in children, with an estimated incidence of fewer than 0.5 cases per 100,000 in patients younger than 25 years. Chronic pancreatitis in children most commonly results from genetic mutations, including mutations in the PRSS1, SPINK1, and CFTR genes. A recent multinational cross-sectional study of children with chronic pancreatitis demonstrated genetic etiology in upwards of 67% of cases while obstructive etiology including biliary calculi and con...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-567X/1510015

Organotropic Kinetics in Acute Sublethal Transient Cytomegalovirus Infection in Mice

Daniel Benharroch, Ory Rouvio, Aharon Palmon and Bracha Rager

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: January 03, 2016

Murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) shows many similarities with the human virus (HCMV). This is a ubiquitous DNA virus from the betaherpesvirus group. A self-limiting acute phase of viral infection and a persistent latent phase normally characterize the pathogenesis of MCMV infection in the immunocompetent host. The MCMV widespread distribution occurs via the blood and its mononuclear cells. In the more common congenital viral infection, the HCMV causes birth defects, including mal-development of the...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3664/1410015

Nanoparticles: From Diagnosis to Therapy

Derya Ilem-Ozdemir, Evren Gundogdu, Meliha Ekinci and Makbule Asikoglu

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: January 29, 2016

Cancer is a leading cause of death, the second most common cause, exceeded only by heart disease. Still, the current clinical imaging methods and treatments are in many situations unable to provide timely detection and curative therapy. The field of drug delivery stands to be significant advances in nanotechnology and benefits of novel nanotechnology in oncology already starts. New strategies are being designed to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs or imaging agents to the tumor at higher concentrat...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3664/1410014

Estimating Binding Capability of Radiopharmaceuticals by Cell Culture Studies

Derya Ilem-Ozdemir, Meliha Ekinci, Evren Gundogdu and Makbule Asikoglu

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: January 02, 2016

Radiopharmaceuticals have applications in biologic research, drug discovery, diagnosis of human disease and molecular therapeutics for a wide variety of medical conditions. With the increasingly central role of radiotracers for non-invasive imaging of animal models and human research, small animal imaging centers are likely to have a growing interest in development of radiopharmaceutical science. Although animal experiments are giving the most valuable information about the drug behavior in the ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510013

Penile Subcutaneus Stone Implant: An Unusual Case Report

Serdar Toksoz and Yalcin Kizilkan

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 31, 2015

Men in some areas of Asia have a long history of inserting or implanting various objects into their penises. Artificial penile implant are inert objects inserted beneath the skin of the penis. Objects placed under the skin of the penile shaft may include plastic beads made from toothbrushes, silicon, metal pellets, glass, ivory, precious metals, marbles or pearls. Some men believe that penile implants enhance the sexual pleasure. Subdermal implants placed under the skin of the penis can provide ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2469-5742/1510012

Salvage Buccal Urethroplasty after Prior Open Intervention: 10 Year Experience

Mimi Zhang, Benjamin Carpenter, Richard Bihrle and Matthew J Mellon

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: November 08, 2015

Urethral stricture disease is a complex urologic problem with multiple etiologies and multiple surgical approaches. Although there is no one single technique employed for all types of strictures, buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty (BMU) has proven to be a versatile surgical option for the reconstructive urologist since its first use in the 1940s. Although there are multiple large, single-center experiences with buccal urethroplasty, only recently have short and long term results become available...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3235.1510007

Neuroblastoma: Radiological Diagnosis of a Case with Pulmonary Metastases

Yessoufou Bakary, Kouame N, Manewa S, Gaimou Ble P, Agoda A-K and N'Goan Domoua AM

Article Type: Review Article | First Published: December 23, 2015

Neuroblastoma is one of the most common malignant tumors in children. Its abdominal location is the most met (70%) giving an aspect of abdominal-pelvic mass. It raises a problem of differential diagnosis with wilms tumor with which it does not have the same treatment or the same prognosis. Hence the importance of a positive diagnosis and an accurate staging and monitoring of appropriate treatment for which medical imaging plays a major role. It is represented by plain film of the abdomen, ultras...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3286.1510005

Patient Perception of Treatment Success: A Qualitative Interview Study in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease undergoing Hemodialysis

Anna Ryden, Matthew Wolfe and Mona L Martin

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: February 01, 2016

End-stage renal disease treated with hemodialysis (ESRD-HD) is associated with poor outcomes for patients and can substantially reduce health-related quality of life (HRQL). Alongside drug development for this patient group, there is a need for a better understanding of patients' perceptions of their condition, their symptoms and the impact ESRD-HD has on their lives. Here, we report data from qualitative, semi-structured, concept-elicitation interviews, conducted as part of a phase 2 clinical s...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-3286.1510004

HLA-B*60 and HLA-DR*14 Alleles might be associated with the Hyperuricemic and Possibly Metabolic Syndrome Status in Renal Transplant

Gabriela Hernandez-Molina, Joaquin Zuniga, Adriana Torres-Machorro, Lourdes Mena-Hernandez, Antonio Cachafeiro, Julio Granados and Marina Rull-Gabayet

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: January 31, 2016

Background: Hyperuricemia is frequent among renal transplant recipients. The role of the HLA system in the susceptibility of hyperuricemia is unknown. Methods: We evaluated the HLA-B and HLA-DRB1 distribution among 160 renal recipients: 132 with hyperuricemia (Group 1) and 28 free of it (Group 2) as well as 381 ethnic-specific Mexican-mestizo population historic controls. The HLA alleles were assessed by PCR-SSP and the HLA allele gene frequencies were obtained by direct gene counting and compar...

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