Journal of

Otolaryngology and RhinologyISSN: 2572-4193


 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510152

Unmasking an Uncommon Mimicker: Peritonsillar Abscess Unveiling as Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm (EICAA) - A Case Report

Pooja Dhayal, MBBS, Bajrang Bawliya, MBBS, DNB and Digvijay Singh Rawat

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/09/14

Extracranial internal carotid artery aneurysms (EICAA) are rare vascular lesions primarily attributed to atherosclerosis, with manifestations typically neurological but occasionally involving compression of nearby structures. We present a case of a 70-year-old female initially diagnosed with a peritonsillar abscess, whose subsequent CT angiography revealed EICAA. Surgical intervention involved ligation of the affected artery. EICAA, though uncommon, poses diagnostic challenges, particularly when...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510151

A Case of Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus in the Left Ear Occurred 4 Years after the Operation of Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus in the Right Ear

Hai Zhao, Yao Bi and Yongtuan Li

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/09/05

Vascular pulsatile tinnitus is a rare tinnitus. Sigmoid sinus related lesion is found one of the important causes of venous pulsatile tinnitus in recent years. This study reports a case of vascular pulsatile tinnitus in the left ear occurred 4 years after the operation of vascular pulsatile tinnitus in the right ear....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510150

Second Branchial Cleft Cyst Expressing Estrogenic Receptors Arising during Pregnancy

Spinelli Claudio, Cordola Chiara, MD, Guglielmo Carla, MD, Ugolini Clara and Ghionzoli Marco, MD, PhD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/08/23

Branchial arch anomalies may present as cysts, fistulas, or sinuses. A few cases of branchial cyst occurring in pregnant women have been previously described, characterized by growth and regression following delivery. We report on a case of a pregnant woman for which the branchial cyst increased during gestation and regressed in the months following childbirth. In the hypothesis that hormonal changes during pregnancy constituted the stimulus for growth, we included immunohistochemistry for estro...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510149

Unusual First Branchial Cleft Fistula: Case Report

L. Douimi, O. Labib, W. Bijou, Y. Oukessou, S. Rouadi, R. Abada and M. Mahtar

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/04/20

First branchial cleft anomalies are a rare group of congenital lesions of the head and neck area. Their incidence is quite low, since they account less than 10% of all branchial cleft defects. A wide range of clinical symptoms may occur, but they often are associated with acute infection at the initial diagnosis....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510148

Benifet of Dexamethasone in Post-Tonsillectomy Pain in Adults

Ali Obaid Muthanna, MD

Article Type: Research Article | First Published: 2024/01/16

A total of 120 patients were enrolled and divided randomly into two equal groups, dexamethasone group and placebo group. This study was conducted in OtoRhinoLaryngology, Al-thawra Teaching Hopital, Sana'a, Yemen. During the period January 2015 to January 2019. All patients were underwent to tonsillectomy under general anesthesia....

Volume 10
Issue 1