Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510097
Endoscopic Surgery in Malignant Rhinosinusal Tumors
Eduardo Figueroa, Candelaria Serrano and Carlos Santiago Ruggeri
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: December 30, 2020
In this study, we describe our experience in the treatment of malignant rhinosinusal tumors and establish factors related to their prognosis. To determine the local control and the survival rates in patients with malignant tumors of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity treated by endonasal endoscopic surgery. All patients who had malignant tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses who were treated by an endonasal, cranionasal or combined endonasal an external approach in the ENT Departm...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510096
Retrograde Air Flow through the Lacrimal Drainage System with Valsalva Maneuver
Swati Malik, B.A., Mohammad Javed Ali, F.R.C.S., Miel Sundararajan, M.D. and Harsha S. Reddy, M.D.
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: December 14, 2020
We present a series of three clinical videos of retrograde air flow through the lacrimal system with Valsalva maneuver that illustrate the hypothesized dysfunctions at various points within the lacrimal valvular system. Under normal physiologic conditions, the lacrimal excretory system has a series of valves that prevent retrograde flow of fluid and air. Therefore, while performing the Valsalva maneuver, increased intranasal pressure is not transmitted to the nasolacrimal system; however, trauma...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510093
Nasopharyngeal Reflux: A New Indication for Esophagogastroduodenoscopy to Rule Out Barrett's Esophagus?
Sean P Chislett, MD, Jordan Kalathia, BS, Alla Y. Solyar, MD, Alexander P Limjuco, MD and Donald C Lanza, MD
Article Type: Research Article | First Published: November 12, 2020
To identify the prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus (BE) in patients with nasopharyngeal reflux (NPR) presenting to a tertiary rhinology practice in 2017, and to assess for any correlation with the presence of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Demographic data, self-reported symptoms and relevant past medical history were compiled from a standardized intake questionnaire. Symptoms were grouped into 3 categories: NPR, laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and GERD. Descriptive and nonp...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510092
A Rare Case of Actinomyces odontolyticus Infection after Injection Laryngoplasty with Deflux
Kelti Munroe, BSc, Jonathan Melong, MD and Timothy Brown, MD, FRCSC
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: November 06, 2020
Actinomyces odontolyticus is a grampositive, anaerobic bacteria that is part of the normal oral commensal flora. It has been previously demonstrated to be a rare cause of endogenous bacterial infections in humans. In the current case report, we present a rare case of vocal cord infection caused by Actinomyces odontolyticus after injection laryngoplasty with Deflux in an otherwise healthy male patient. A 61-year-old healthy male was taken to the operating theater for injection laryngoplasty for a...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510091
A Rare Presentation of Gradenigo’s Syndrome
Nilam U. Sathe, MBBS, MS ENT, Dharmishtha R. Kaku, MBBS, MS ENT, DNB ENT, Anjali Taku, MBBS, MS ENT, Muniram Pawara, MBBS, MS ENT and Vani K. Gupta, MBBS, MS ENT, DNB ENT
Article Type: Case Report | First Published: November 05, 2020
Gradenigo’s syndrome is a characteristic triad of suppurative otitis media, pain in distribution of trigeminal nerve and abducens nerve palsy. Early diagnosis and management of Gradenigo’s syndrome is important as it can give rise to fatal complications. Careful clinical history and physical examination, neuroimaging are needed for a differential diagnosis. We present a case report of unusual presentation and eitiological cause of Gradenigo’s syndrome and its effective management. Patient ...
Open Access DOI:10.23937/2572-4193.1510090
Intra-Operative Findings in Middle Ear Cleft in Cases of Chronic Inactive Mucosal Otitis Media
Sourabh Shankar Chakraborty, MBBS, DNB (ENT) and Anil K Monga, MBBS, MS (ENT)
Article Type: Original Article | First Published: October 14, 2020
To assess intra-operative findings of mastoid bone; their prevalence in patients with chronic otitis media (inactive mucosal) and their correlation with age, sex of the patient, duration of complaint and degree of hearing impairment; to establish the prevalence of aditus block. In this study 100 patients, ranged from 11 to 74 years, with inactive mucosal chronic otitis media were subjected to type I tympanoplasty with cortical mastoidectomy. All the Intraoperative findings of middle ear & mastoi...