Neurosurgery - Cases and ReviewsISSN: 2643-4474

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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710166

The Third Ventricle Colloid Cyst Spontaneous Rupture Phenomenon: A Rare Clinical Observation and World Literature Review

Mikhail Shkarubo, Alexander Konovalov and Vladimir Tyurin

Article Type: Case Report & Literature Review | First Published: 2024/12/14

Colloid cysts of the third ventricle are rare congenital benign lesions that can cause acute occlusion of CSF pathways with the risk of a fatal outcome. Up to 6% of colloid cysts are asymptomatic, incidental findings. Colloid cysts tend to slowly increase in size over a long period of time. Management of patients with colloid cysts of the third ventricle depends on clinical and radiological findings. Spontaneous shrinkage (rupture) of the colloidal cyst is an extremely rare phenomenon, described...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710165

Application of Continuous Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (cIONM) in the Endovascular Treatment of Pediatric Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation - A Case Report

M. Colosimo, C. Thole, B. Sommer, M.C. Frühwald, A. Berlis and E. Shiban

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/12/05

Spinal arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are rare vascular occurrences that, if left untreated, can result in devastating neurologic sequelae. Prevalence, especially in the pediatric population, is low but requires prompt diagnosis and management to avoid neurologic impairment. Embolization has been advocated as the treatment of choice for spinal AVMs. We present a rare case of a spinal AVM in an 11-year-old male managed with endovascular embolization during continuous intraoperative monitoring ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710164

Hidden Hazard of Remote Cerebellar Hemorrhage after Cervical Spine Surgery

Barnabas Obeng-Gyasi, BS, Emma Stephens Love, BA, MS, Mugtaba Swar-Eldahab, MS, Matthew Blackwell, MS and Gordon Mao, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/10/30

Remote cerebellar hemorrhage (RCH) is a rare but potentially serious complication of spinal surgery, particularly after decompressive procedures and instrumented fusion. The complex interplay between cerebrospinal fluid leaks and hemorrhage risk necessitates a high index of suspicion and prompt management to optimize patient outcomes....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710163

Woven EndoBridge (WEB) Device used for Vertebral Artery Sacrifice

Jason J. Sims, BS, Bhageeradh Mulpur, MD, Nick Khattar, MD and Adam A. Arthur, MD, MPH

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/10/11

The decision to sacrifice a vessel in the context of endovascular interventions arises from specific clinical indications where alternative treatments pose either higher risks or are simply not feasible. One critical indication is in the control of uncontrolled hemorrhage, particularly in cases of severe vascular trauma or bleeding situations. Additionally, sacrificing a vessel may be considered for managing aneurysms that are difficult to repair surgically or with other endovascular methods, es...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710162

Right Frontotemporal Meningioma Encasing a Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm, A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Razan Almufarriji, MD and Abdullah Alobaid, MD, FRCSC

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/07/06

Meningiomas encasing an aneurysm are considered one of the rare presentations encountered in neurosurgical services. To the best of our knowledge, this is the fourth case describing a frontotemporal meningioma encasing a middle cerebral artery aneurysm. Management of such cases has many aspects to consider and scenarios to be prepared for....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710161

CNS Embryonal Tumour with Desmoplastic Reaction Treated with Ultra-NPT Bionanocatalysts

Tessy Lopez-Goerne, Francisco J Padilla-Godínez, Daniel Alvárez-Amador, Antonela Gonzalez-Bondani, Rafael Valiente, Fernando Chico Ponce de Leon, Vicente Gonzalez-Carranza and José Omar Navarro-Fernández

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/07/06

Central nervous system (CNS) embryonal tumors, lacking a distinct molecular signature and categorized as "Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)", are WHO grade IV neoplasms with significant genetic diversity. They typically exhibit immature cell sheets with round, oval, or angulated nuclei, often located supratentorially and characterized by a desmoplastic reaction. Diagnosis relies on MRI and molecular analysis, with traditional management involving surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. However, rec...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710160

Treatment of a Lacerated Aneurysmal Neck during Surgical Clipping of Usual Saccular Cerebral Aneurysms: Two Illustrative Cases

Hideki Nakajima, MD, Morio Takasaki, MD, Taku Hongo, MD, Katsuma Iwaki, MD, PhD, Ryota Miyake, MD and Yasuhiro Fujimoto, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/06/29

We report two cases of a usual saccular cerebral aneurysm with an iatrogenic lacerated aneurysmal neck during surgical clipping. In both cases, the aneurysmal neck was lacerated iatrogenically, and the aneurysm was clipped safely after suturing the lacerated portion. In treatment of a lacerated aneurysmal neck during surgical clipping of usual saccular cerebral aneurysms, the aneurysm may be considered to be clipped after suturing the lacerated portion. However, trapping and/or bypass surgery be...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710159

High Grade Glioma Surgery, Using 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Its Effect on Extent of Resection: Early Data from a Single Canadian Center Experience

Félix LeBlanc, Lyndon Boone, Timothy Noble, Jane Burns, Dhany Charest<, Maxime Richer and Antonios El Helou

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/06/12

5-ALA is a prodrug used to selectively illuminate high-grade glioma (HGG) tissue intra-operatively and optimize resection. Here, we present some of the first preliminary results on resection rates, survival analysis, and adverse effects from a single Canadian center....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710158

Spinal Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor in an Adult: Case Report and Comprehensive Review of the Literature

Emal Lesha, MD, L Erin Miller, BA, Taylor Orr, MS, Michael S Muhlbauer, MD, Manjari Pandey, MD, Brent A Orr, MD, PhD, Andrew B Boucher, MD and Sarada Wellikoff, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/04/17

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a Grade 4 embryonal tumor, rare and aggressive, most often presenting in children 0-5 years of age. In the adult population, AT/RTs are exceedingly rare, and usually located intracranially in the supratentorial compartment. AT/RTs of the spine are even more uncommon. Here, we detail the case of a young adult with AT/RT of the lumbar spine who underwent surgical resection of the lesion followed by radiation and chemotherapy. We also provide a comprehens...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710157

An Unusual Complication, Rupture of the Intraoperative Ultrasound Probe Sheath: A Case Report

Erkin Ozgiray, Bilal Bahadır Akbulut and Mustafa Serdar Boluk

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/03/15

Intraoperative ultrasound (USG) imaging is employed by many neurosurgical institutes for localizing lesions with better accuracy in real-time. It’s often used with sterilized probes or purpose-built sterile sheaths. It has also been reported to be used with a sterile latex glove filled with USG gel. We report a case of ruptured intraoperative USG sheath which was made out of a sterile latex glove causing contamination of the surgical field....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710156

Persistent Primitive Trigeminal Artery Aneurysm

Dantas Mageste Ferreira, MD, M.Sc, Lano de Sousa Moreira, MD, Taianne Fiore Schumann, MD, Jéssica Aguilar da Silva, Tarciano Costa Nascimento, MD, André Guimarães Soares, MD, Fernando Miguel Resck Gadbem, MD and Ítalo Guilherme Giarola de Freitas Mariano, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/03/14

The Persistent Primitive Trigeminal Artery (PPTA) is an example of persistent carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses, in which the basilar artery and its branches are primarily supplied by an anastomotic arterial branch originating from the cavernous segment of the Internal Carotid Artery (ICA). Such a structure constitutes the largest of fetal carotid-basilar anastomotic arteries and usually involutes after the development of the Posterior Communicating Artery (P-com)....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710155

Rare Galen Vein Aneurysm in a 40-Year-Old Woman: In-Depth Analysis of an Exceptional Case

Dantas Mageste Ferreira, MD, MSc, Vitor de Deus da Rocha Ribeiro Gonçalves, MD, Lano de Sousa Moreira, MD, Taianne Fiore Schumann, MD and Jéssica Aguilar da Silva

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/02/09

Vein of Galen aneurysm is a rare vascular condition commonly diagnosed in children. This type of aneurysm arises from the persistence of the embryonic median prosencephalic vein, precursor to the Galen vein. This paper highlights the rarity of this phenomenon in a 40-year-old woman. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that conservative treatment of this malformation can be a valid option in oligosymptomatic cases without signs of hydrocephalus....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710154

Recurrent Post-Traumatic Carotid-Cavernous Fistula after Endovascular Treatment

Dantas Mageste Ferreira, MD, MSc, Jéssica Aguilar da Silva, Vitor de Deus da Rocha Ribeiro Gonçalves, MD, Taianne Fiore Schumann, MD and Lano Sousa Moreira, MD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/01/24

The High-Flow Type A Carotid-Cavernous Fistula (CCF) is the direct communication between the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and the cavernous sinus. Its most frequent etiology is trauma, more commonly occurring in males. Clinically, it is characterized by the Dandy triad of hyperemia, exophthalmos, and ocular bruit. The described case involves a male patient who presented with a classic high-flow CCF, underwent coil embolization, showed a satisfactory response in the firs...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710153

Intraoperative Monitoring of Carotid Endarterectomy with Fluorescein Coupled to Surgical Microscope

Dantas Mageste Ferreira, MD, MSc, Marcos Dellaretti, MD, PhD1, Vitor de Deus da Rocha Ribeiro Gonçalves, MD, Lano de Sousa Moreira, MD, Taianne Fiore Schumann, MD and Jéssica Aguilar da Silva

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2024/01/14

The article aims to present partial results from an ongoing clinical trial, including fourteen patients undergoing endarterectomy with an innovative technique. The male gender accounted for 71.4% of the sample, with a mean age of 67.93 (± 7.75) years for the patients. Among comorbidities, systemic arterial hypertension was the most prevalent at 85.7%, followed by dyslipidemia at 57.1%. ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710152

Titanium Interbody Cage: A Case Series Demonstrating Expandable Technology in Spinal Surgery in Peru

Christian A Yataco-Wilcas, Luis A Lengua-Vega, Bruno E Diaz-Llanes, Yosimar S Coasaca-Tito and Cristian E Salazar-Campos

Article Type: Descriptive Study | First Published: 2023/01/07

Lumbar interbody fusion is a common procedure for addressing spinal pathologies, involving the joining of adjacent vertebrae to stabilize and alleviate pain. The evolution of interbody cages has led to the development of expandable designs that allow customization of cage size during surgery to fit each patient's anatomy....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710151

Giant Intracranial Epidermoid Tumour: Decision Making in a Complex Case

Nicholas G Candy and Stephen Santoreneos

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/12/15

We present the case of a young female who presented with a giant infratentorial and supratentorial epidermoid cyst. Due to the size of the cyst, the decision was made to stage the surgical resection across two operations rather than undertake a single radical surgical approach. This presented the dilemma of timing for the second stage given the risk of aseptic meningitis occurring with an incompletely resect epidermoid cyst, making the second surgery more challenging due to scarring....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710150

Primary Intramedullary Spinal Cord Astroblastoma with EWSR1/BEND2 Fusion: A Case Report and Literature Review

Ming-Sheng Lim, Catherine Moran and Alan Beausang

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/12/14

Astroblastomas are rare tumours of the central nervous system, and only a few cases of brain stem/primary spinal cord astroblastoma have been reported. It has been suggested that EWSR1/BEND2 fusion defines an epigenetically distinct subtype of astroblastoma. We present a rare case of primary intramedullary spinal cord astroblastoma with EWSR1/BEND2 fusion. To our knowledge, this is only the third reported case in the literature with this specific diagnosis, the first in an adult female, and the ...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710149

Delayed Symptomatic Cerebrospinal Leakage after Percutaneous Stenoscopy Lumbar Decompression: A Case Report

Kevin Jonathan Sjukur, Andi Asadul Islam, Andi Ihwan, Rais Al-'Abqary and Nailul Humam

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/11/16

Percutaneous stenoscopy lumbar decompression (PLSD) is a minimally invasive procedure to treat herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP). The most common and dangerous complication of this procedure is cerebrospinal (CSF) leakage. If there is an undetectable small tear in the dura during surgery or known as an occult dural tear (ODT), it can lead to a delayed CSF leakage....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710148

Clinical and Histopathological Aspects of Primary Intracranial Tumours: Case Series of 178 Patients in Yaounde

Haman Nassourou Oumarou, Bello Figuim, Ndome Toto Orlane, Baboke Indira, Nzedzou MG and Djientcheu Vincent De Paul

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/11/16

Primary intracranial tumours in Africa present a histopathologic and immune-histochemical diagnostic problem with regards to the limited diagnostic resources which still has to be improved. This case series shares the experience of 2 university hospitals in Cameroon including 178 patients sampled on a 6-year period (January 2014 to December 2019), concerning the clinical, histopathologic and immuno-histochemical aspects....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710147

How Does 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Affect Histopathological Grading, Extent of Resection and Survival in High-Grade Glioma?

Vishnu A Suresh, MBChB

Article Type: Case Series | First Published: 2023/11/16

High-grade gliomas are aggressive brain tumours with a poor prognosis. The current goal of treatment is to achieve maximum safe surgical resection as this improves survival. However, the infiltrative nature of this cancer makes it difficult to delineate healthy from pathological tissue. Therefore, complete resection is rarely achieved and there is a high rate of tumour recurrence. Additionally, misdiagnosis is common and results from unrepresentative tissue sampling. This can lead to the initiat...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710146

Microsurgery for Grade III Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Related to the Eloquent Peri-Rolandic Territory: Case Series

Ahmed Muthana, Zahraa A Alsubaihawi, Ali Adnan Dolachee, Mustafa E Almurayati, Oday Atallah, Mustafa Ismail and Samer S Hoz

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/10/11

A total of 8 Patients are included in this study. The size of the AVM was between 35 mm and 54 mm. Sensory-located AVM was found in 5 cases, and the remaining 3 cases have motor-located AVMs. Total removal of AVM was achieved in 7 cases. 6 patients developed new neurological deficits after surgeries which were resolved in subsequent weeks and the mRS score at follow-up was 1 in all patients....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710145

Bilateral Globus Pallidus Internus Deep Brain Stimulation in Progressive Dystonia in Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome: Case Report and Review

Lorena Broseghini Barcelos, MD, MSc, Murilo Martinez Marinho, MD, MSc, Tamine Capato, PT, PhD, Leonardo Furtado Freitas, MD, Vanderci Borges, MD, PhD and Henrique Ballalai Ferraz, MD, PhD

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/10/11

Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome (MTS), also known as deafness-dystonia-optic neuronopathy syndrome is an X-linked recessive, progressive, and neurodegenerative disorder resulting from mutations in the nuclear-encoded deafness dystonia peptide 1 (DDP1)/translocase of mitochondrial inner membrane 8A ( TIMM8A ) gene. This genetic disorder was first described in 1996, when the deafness dystonia peptide (DDP) gene was identified in a family with deafness, dystonia, and cognitive decline....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710144

Craniometric Analysis in Modern Peruvian Population

Christian A. Yataco-Wilcas, Bruno E. Diaz-Llanes, Yosimar S. Coasaca-Tito, Luis A. Lengua-Vega and Cristian E. Salazar-Campos

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/08/07

The study was carried out with unknown skulls donated to the NeuroZone3D Research Center using a soft and inelastic measuring tape as a tool. In our report, direct anthropometric measurement technique with data collection by a single investigator was considered....

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2643-4474/1710143

Rupture of Developmental Venous Anomaly

Osama Bashawieh and Mohammed Bafaquh

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: 2023/07/26

Developmental Venous Anomaly (DVA) is the most common cerebral vascular variation, frequently detected incidentally on Neuroimaging and can be associated with other pathologies. DVA is often benign and asymptomatic, however, it may rupture and cause intracerebral hemorrhage. This report presents a case of ruptured DVA successfully managed conservatively....

Volume 6
Issue 2