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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410313

Multiple Cerebral and Cerebellar Infarctions following Russell’s Viper (Daboia Russelii) Envenomation - A Case Report

UDN Prasad, JMRP Bandara and HMS Senanayake

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: June 13, 2020

Ischemic stroke is a rare neurological complication following SriLankan Russell’s viper envenomation. We report a case of a 44-year-old person, who developed multiple cerebral and cerebellar infarctions following SriLankan Russell’s viper envenomation. The patient developed both local and systemic envenomation and was treated with Snake Venom Anti-Serum I.P. (VinsBioproducts Ltd). On day six, this patient developed left-sided hemiparesis. CT scan of the brain showed bilateral cerebellar, bil...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410312

Case Series of Tetanus Diagnosis and Management in Hargeisa City

Hassan Abdi, Ibrahim Caqli, MD, Mustafe Mumin, MD, Jama Osman, MD, Gregory Fricchione, MD, MPH and Zeina Chemali, MD, MPH

Article Type: Case Series | First Published: June 10, 2020

Tetanus is a global infectious disease caused by tetanospasmin toxin produced by the anaerobic clostridium tetani. It affects the brain stem and spinal cord and leads to high morbidity and mortality if untreated. East Africa reports the highest number of cases and the highest fatalities. The objective of this study is to report on five inpatient clinical cases at Hargeisa Group Hospital in Hargeisa City with lessons learned for our team, a way to educate others and advocate for a new governmenta...

Volume 7
Issue 6