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 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410366

Severe Malaria with Acute Kidney Injury and Post-Dialysis Hypocalcaemia and Hypertension: A Case Report of a Young Patient Managed in a Resource Limited Setting

Wafula Innocent, MBChB

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: September 29, 2021

Malaria is a leading cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality in Africa. Plasmodium falciparum species is commonly associated with severe complications of malaria including severe anaemia, prostration, altered consciousness, hypoglycaemia, pulmonary oedema, haemoglobinuria, and acute kidney injury (AKI). In patients with these complications, the cornerstone of treatment is prompt administration of antimalarials and the provision of appropriate supportive care. AKI is an established independen...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410365

Preventing Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease with Plant-Based Diet

Gunadhar Panigrahi, MD, FACC, FACP, DipABLM

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: September 29, 2021

A 72-year-old female has long standing history of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. In 1987, at the age of 39 years, she had sustained an anterior wall myocardial infarction. She had cardiac catheterization and received a stent to the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), the infarct related artery. In 2007, she had sustained a second heart attack at the age of 59 years, and this time she was treated with simple balloon angioplasty to the LAD. In...

 Open Access DOI:10.23937/2378-3656/1410364

Complete Perioral Reconstruction for High Power Electrical Burn

Abiel Kwok, BSc and Colin Hong, MD, FRCP

Article Type: Case Report | First Published: September 20, 2021

Facial reconstructive procedures aim to restore function and appearance to a section of the face affected by trauma, surgery or illness. Lip reconstructions are common procedures due to the mouth’s role in numerous key functions, such as speech, chewing and displaying emotion, as well as its contributions to the overall aesthetic of the face. Lip and perioral reconstruction for the purpose of restoring function is more complicated. Selecting the best source of the skin flap used to cover the a...

Volume 8
Issue 9