ClinMed International Library

For the past decade, ClinMed International Library has been at the forefront of publishing cutting-edge research in clinical medicine. Over the last 10 years, we have consistently provided a platform for publishing innovative findings and advancements in medical science.

The ClinMed International Library is a repository and an open access publisher for medical research that covers a wide range of areas in Clinical Medicine. ClinMed serves as a global platform for medical practitioners and research scholars to foster their learning and professional acumen through an extensive portfolio of research articles and publications that can be accessed without any restrictions.

Dedicated to clinical medical research, we now publish over 70 quality peer-reviewed journals making all the articles freely accessible. The manuscripts submitted to ClinMed will be processed through standard parameters and international peer review systems. This has enabled us to establish new milestones in the global research arena in terms of cogency and integrity, and to disseminate highly credible and accredited research content for researchers, scholars, and practitioners across the globe.

We ensure that all researchers and authors publishing their papers with us retain copyrights, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License that permits the unrestricted use and re-use of the content with proper citation.

  Last Updated: July 01, 2024

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