Journal of

Clinical Nephrology and Renal CareISSN: 2572-3286

Editorial Board

Mustafa Z Younis


Department of Health Policy & Management

School of Health Sciences

Jackson State University, USA

Tel: 601-979-8823

Dr. Mustafa Z Younis is a Professor of Department of Health Policy & Management in Jackson State University, USA. Dr. Younis is an internationally recognized scholar and was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management. Dr. Younis has administrative experience as Senior Advisor for the President at Zirve University, Turkey and as Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FL, USA) where he led the accreditation efforts for the Healthcare Management Program. Dr. Younis is a frequent speaker for both academic and professional audiences. His

Dr. Mustafa Z Younis is a Professor of Department of Health Policy & Management in Jackson State University, USA. Dr. Younis is an internationally recognized scholar and was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management. Dr. Younis has administrative experience as Senior Advisor for the President at Zirve University, Turkey and as Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FL, USA) where he led the accreditation efforts for the Healthcare Management Program. Dr. Younis is a frequent speaker for both academic and professional audiences. His talks often feature his latest research and work in progress as well as cross-industry trends and strategy implications. He has provided workshops and presentation for wide organizations. He has authored and published over 200 articles, abstracts and presentations in refereed journals and meetings, and has presented at national and international conferences. His research and findings applied to for-profit, non-profit settings, and government.

Gaurang M. Shah

Health Sciences Professor of Medicine

Nephrology Section Director

University of California


Tel: 562-826-5904

Dr. Gaurang Shah is Chief of Nephrology at the Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, CA and Health Sciences Professor of Medicine at the University of California in Irvine, CA. He graduated from the M.S. University in Vadodara, India, and in 1977, completed residency in Internal Medicine from University of Illinois, Chicago, Il. After completing renal fellowship program at the Northwestern University in Chicago, he joined as a faculty of the Long Beach VA- UCIMC nephrology program in 1979. Dr. Shah has keen interest in specific areas of kidney disease, including acute and chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones, renal physiology,

Dr. Gaurang Shah is Chief of Nephrology at the Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, CA and Health Sciences Professor of Medicine at the University of California in Irvine, CA. He graduated from the M.S. University in Vadodara, India, and in 1977, completed residency in Internal Medicine from University of Illinois, Chicago, Il. After completing renal fellowship program at the Northwestern University in Chicago, he joined as a faculty of the Long Beach VA- UCIMC nephrology program in 1979. Dr. Shah has keen interest in specific areas of kidney disease, including acute and chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones, renal physiology, and renal pathology. He has published over thirty papers in peer-reviewed journals, and has been invited as a speaker by several academic institutions and medical centers. He has been a reviewer of leading nephrology journals. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Nephrology. Dr. Shah's interests include Hindustani classical music, old Bollywood songs, travelling, and photography.

Yuegang Zuo


Director of Graduate Programs

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

North Dartmouth

Yuegang Zuo is currently a Full Professor in analytical and environmental chemistry and Director of Graduate Programs at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He received his BS degree from Wuhan University, MS from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and PhD from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. One of his recent research areas has focused on separation, identification and quantification of renal function biomarkers in human and other animal fluids, and examining the effects of natural products, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals on renal functions. He has published over

Yuegang Zuo is currently a Full Professor in analytical and environmental chemistry and Director of Graduate Programs at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He received his BS degree from Wuhan University, MS from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and PhD from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. One of his recent research areas has focused on separation, identification and quantification of renal function biomarkers in human and other animal fluids, and examining the effects of natural products, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals on renal functions. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious international scientific journals such as Science, and JAFC.

Hiroshi Yoshida


Department of Laboratory Medicine

Jikei University School of Medicine


Dr. Hiroshi Yoshida is Professor of Department of Laboratory Medicine, Jikei University School of Medicine, and jointly appointed as Professor of Internal Medicine of Metabolism and Nutrition, Jikei University Graduate School of Medicine. He is also Vice-President of Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital. He obtained Ph.D degree in National Defense Medical College. He studied as Research Fellow in University of California San Diego, U.S.A. (1996-1998). He Received the Encouragement Prize from Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine in 2004, and Life Science Award from Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine in 2009. He was collectively awarded Evergreen Award to Publication Committee of

Dr. Hiroshi Yoshida is Professor of Department of Laboratory Medicine, Jikei University School of Medicine, and jointly appointed as Professor of Internal Medicine of Metabolism and Nutrition, Jikei University Graduate School of Medicine. He is also Vice-President of Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital. He obtained Ph.D degree in National Defense Medical College. He studied as Research Fellow in University of California San Diego, U.S.A. (1996-1998). He Received the Encouragement Prize from Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine in 2004, and Life Science Award from Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine in 2009. He was collectively awarded Evergreen Award to Publication Committee of Japan Chapter from American College of Physician in 2008. He is currently an editorial board member of Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry, World Journal of Cardiology, ISRN Vascular Medicine, Journal of Cardiology and Therapy, Journal of Functional Foods in Health and Disease, Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, JSM Biomarkers, Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, International Archives of Clinical Pharmacology. He has more than 100 published papers indexed in PubMed. His research interest includes Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Pharmacology, Lipid Metabolism, Oxidative Stress.

Akira Sugawara


Department of Molecular Endocrinology

Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

Sendai, Japan

Tel: +81-22-717-7483

Professor Akira Sugawara belongs to the Department of Molecular Endocrinology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan. He graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine on 1987 (M.D.), and got Ph.D. on 1991 from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. He performed Postdoctoral Fellowship in William Chin's laboratory at the Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston from 1991 to 1994. His major is general internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolism and hypertension and nephrology. His research interest is 1) molecular biology of nuclear hormone receptors 2) etiology of high blood pressure 3) pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy 4) gene regulation of aldosterone synthase

Professor Akira Sugawara belongs to the Department of Molecular Endocrinology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan. He graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine on 1987 (M.D.), and got Ph.D. on 1991 from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. He performed Postdoctoral Fellowship in William Chin's laboratory at the Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston from 1991 to 1994. His major is general internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolism and hypertension and nephrology. His research interest is 1) molecular biology of nuclear hormone receptors 2) etiology of high blood pressure 3) pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy 4) gene regulation of aldosterone synthase 5) epigenetics of hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Walter L. Strohmaier


Department of Urology and Paediatric Urology

Klinikum Coburg University of Wurzburg


Dr. Walter L. Strohmaier is a Professor in Department of Urology and Paediatric Urology at Klinikum Coburg University of Wurzburg, Germany. His awards includes Best Poster Presentation EAU; Peter-Bischoff-Preis, Vereinigung Norddeutscher Urologen; Poster Preis, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie; International Symposium on Urolithiasis, Cairns, Australia. Dr. Strohmaier is member of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie, Berufsverband Deutscher Urologen, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Stosswellenlithotripsie, European Association of Urology, American Urological Association, International Society of Urolithiasis (Chairman). He has published 259 Articles.

Dr. Walter L. Strohmaier is a Professor in Department of Urology and Paediatric Urology at Klinikum Coburg University of Wurzburg, Germany. His awards includes Best Poster Presentation EAU; Peter-Bischoff-Preis, Vereinigung Norddeutscher Urologen; Poster Preis, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie; International Symposium on Urolithiasis, Cairns, Australia. Dr. Strohmaier is member of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie, Berufsverband Deutscher Urologen, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Stosswellenlithotripsie, European Association of Urology, American Urological Association, International Society of Urolithiasis (Chairman). He has published 259 Articles.

John N. Boletis


Department of Nephrology

Laiko General Hospital

Athens, Greece

Dr. John N. Boletis have been working at 'Laiko' General Hospital of Athens. Dr. Boletis is a Director of the Nephrology Department and Scientific Director of Renal Transplantation Unit in the same hospital since 2003 and Director of the Medical Service since 2005. From 1987 to 1989, He has worked at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, UK, where he studied renalosteodystrophy. He is a Professor of Nephrology at the University of Athens since 2013. He participates in the undergraduate and postgraduate educational program of the Medical School of Athens. He has a continuous presence in lectures and educational events

Dr. John N. Boletis have been working at 'Laiko' General Hospital of Athens. Dr. Boletis is a Director of the Nephrology Department and Scientific Director of Renal Transplantation Unit in the same hospital since 2003 and Director of the Medical Service since 2005. From 1987 to 1989, He has worked at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, UK, where he studied renalosteodystrophy. He is a Professor of Nephrology at the University of Athens since 2013. He participates in the undergraduate and postgraduate educational program of the Medical School of Athens. He has a continuous presence in lectures and educational events regarding fields of his specialty. His research work concerns mainly renal transplantation and clinical nephrology with a special interest in immunological kidney diseases. He participates in international working groups in the field of vasculitides, systemic lupus erythematosus and kidney transplantation. He is also reviewer and member of the editorial committee of Greek and International journals. He has 135 publications in international medical journals and a large number of papers in Greek and international conferences.

Franco Turani


Intensive Care Department

Aurelia Hospital

Rome, Italy

Tel: +39-3484725073

Dr. Franco Turani is Chief of Intensive Care Department at Aurelia Hospital in Rome and Scientific Director of Cardiothoracic Intensive Care at European Hospital in Rome. He graduated in Medicine from the Milan University in 1980. In 1986, completed the residency in Anesthesia and Intensive Care from Catholic University in Rome Italy and in 1996 graduated in Cardiology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His specific areas of clinical research include anesthetic preconditioning in cardiac surgery (Anesth Analg. 2005), mechanical ventilation and treatment of septic shock (NEJM 2008). Recently his research focused on extracorporeal treatment of septic shock (Coupled

Dr. Franco Turani is Chief of Intensive Care Department at Aurelia Hospital in Rome and Scientific Director of Cardiothoracic Intensive Care at European Hospital in Rome. He graduated in Medicine from the Milan University in 1980. In 1986, completed the residency in Anesthesia and Intensive Care from Catholic University in Rome Italy and in 1996 graduated in Cardiology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His specific areas of clinical research include anesthetic preconditioning in cardiac surgery (Anesth Analg. 2005), mechanical ventilation and treatment of septic shock (NEJM 2008). Recently his research focused on extracorporeal treatment of septic shock (Coupled Plasma Filtration and Adsorpion, new dialysis membranes), and Extracorporeal CO2 Removal, promoting collaborative research with biomedical companies in Italy and in Europe(Crit Care 2015). He has published over twenty papers in peer-reviewed journals, and is author of more then hundred presentations at International Congresses.

Wei Jing Liu


Department of Nephrology

Guangdong Medical College


Dr. Wei Jing Liu is a professor of the Guangdong Medical College in China, the deputy director at the Institute of Nephrology, a member of the standing committee of Guangdong Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine. His main research areas are molecular mechanism underlying diabetic nephropathy and renal tubulointerstitial injury, relationship between renal cell aging and diabetic nephropathy, effect of autophagy-lysosome pathway on intrinsic renal cells in primary and secondary renal diseases.

Dr. Wei Jing Liu is a professor of the Guangdong Medical College in China, the deputy director at the Institute of Nephrology, a member of the standing committee of Guangdong Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine. His main research areas are molecular mechanism underlying diabetic nephropathy and renal tubulointerstitial injury, relationship between renal cell aging and diabetic nephropathy, effect of autophagy-lysosome pathway on intrinsic renal cells in primary and secondary renal diseases.

David Czock

Head of the Drug Utilization and Drug Safety Section

Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology

Heidelberg University Hospital


Dr. David Czock is the head of the Drug Utilization and Drug Safety Section (Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital), running a drug information service providing advice on patient-specific drug therapy to employees of the Heidelberg University Hospital and the associated academic teaching hospitals. He graduated from medical school in 1996 (Freie Universitat Berlin) and worked in the Nephrology Division (Ulm University Hospital) from 1997 to 2008, after which he specialized in clinical pharmacology. His main research interest is in nephropharmacology, including pharmacokinetics in patients with renal impairment and drug dose adjustment. Dr. Czock has published over

Dr. David Czock is the head of the Drug Utilization and Drug Safety Section (Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital), running a drug information service providing advice on patient-specific drug therapy to employees of the Heidelberg University Hospital and the associated academic teaching hospitals. He graduated from medical school in 1996 (Freie Universitat Berlin) and worked in the Nephrology Division (Ulm University Hospital) from 1997 to 2008, after which he specialized in clinical pharmacology. His main research interest is in nephropharmacology, including pharmacokinetics in patients with renal impairment and drug dose adjustment. Dr. Czock has published over thirty papers in peer-reviewed journals and is an organizer of the NephroPharmacology Meeting (

Gerald Schulman

Professor of Medicine

Department of Medicine

Division of Nephrology & Hypertension

Vanderbilt University and Medical Center


Dr. Gerald Schulman is a Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension. He is involved in clinical trials at Vanderbilt University for over two decades and serve as the co-director of the Clinical Trials Center at Vanderbilt (CTC). Dr. Schulman was one of the investigators who participated in designing then HEMO Study and the AASK Study. He Was a co-investigator in the MDRD (Phase III) and AASK studies and he was the principal investigator from Vanderbilt for the HEMO Study. Our team participated or led studies in this area. Included among our efforts are studies with ESA, novel

Dr. Gerald Schulman is a Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension. He is involved in clinical trials at Vanderbilt University for over two decades and serve as the co-director of the Clinical Trials Center at Vanderbilt (CTC). Dr. Schulman was one of the investigators who participated in designing then HEMO Study and the AASK Study. He Was a co-investigator in the MDRD (Phase III) and AASK studies and he was the principal investigator from Vanderbilt for the HEMO Study. Our team participated or led studies in this area. Included among our efforts are studies with ESA, novel substances to prevent progression of CKD (I designed and was Chair of the Steering Committee for the EPPIC Study examining the effect of AST-120 on progression of CKD), the use of angiotensinreceptor blockers in preventing progression of CKD and participation in the Frequent Dialysis Network. The CTC of the nephrology division is poised to be able to design trials in patients evaluating interventions with CKD. Dr. Schulman's role in the Clinical Trials Center of the Division of Nephrology has given him the opportunity to study and evaluate new therapeutic agents and/or interventions to prevent the progression of chronic renal failure and to improve the well-being of patients with end stage renal disease who are on dialysis. His time at Vanderbilt has allowed him to participate in national and international studies that are geared toward improving the lot of patients with renal disease. This area of research interest dovetails with his true avocations which are teaching medical students, residents, and fellows and seeing patients.

Saeid Mordechai Nosrati

Associate Professor

Department of Medicine

Keck School of Medicine

University of Southern California, USA

Tel: 213-804 5096

Dr. Nosrati attended medical school at the State University of New York in Brooklyn (1983-1987). After completing an internship and residency program at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Bronx, NY,(1987-2000). Dr. Nosrati was awarded a nephrology fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital/ Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. After completing his fellowship, Dr. Nosrati joined the Keck-USC School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA in 1992 as an Assistant Professor of Medicine. He is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at Keck-USC School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA. and Medical Director of the CKD program and the Renal, Hypertension

Dr. Nosrati attended medical school at the State University of New York in Brooklyn (1983-1987). After completing an internship and residency program at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Bronx, NY,(1987-2000). Dr. Nosrati was awarded a nephrology fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital/ Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. After completing his fellowship, Dr. Nosrati joined the Keck-USC School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA in 1992 as an Assistant Professor of Medicine. He is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at Keck-USC School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA. and Medical Director of the CKD program and the Renal, Hypertension and Transplant Clinic at the LAC+USC. Dr. Nosrati has also served as Medical Director of the Peritoneal Dialysis Program and Home Hemodialysis Program at the USC Dialysis Center and has been an attending physician at the CAPD Clinic, USC Outpatient Dialysis, Medicine Ward and Renal Ward at the LAC+USC Medical Center. Dr. Nosrati is actively involved in a number of bench research as well as clinical research activities spanning different fields. Dr. Nosrati is actively conducting research in advancing kidney dialysis, liver dialysis and providing a support system for the MOF/MODS multisystem failures using advanced technologies. In addition he has been actively conducting major pharmaceutical sponsored phase II-IV clinical trials in hypertension, anemia, iron, secondary hyperparathyroidism etc.

Bogdan Socea

Associate Professor and Primary Surgeon

Faculty of Medicine

Sf. Pantelimon Emergency Clinic Hospital

Carol Davila University of Pharmacy and Medicine

Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Bogdan Socea, MD, PhD, graduated from the Carol Davila University of Pharmacy and Medicine in the department of general medicine. His PhD thesis sustained in 2007 was about Advances and Limits in Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Polyposis. Between 2010-2012, he followed a postdoctoral research entitled Epiploic experimental revascularization of lower limb, at Carol Davila University and then became Associate Professor in the same university and primary general surgeon at Sf. Pantelimon Emergency Clinic Hospital. He was also attested in abdominal and general ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery, oncologic surgery and sanitary management. Dr. Bogdan Socea, graduated in several other specialty courses like:

Dr. Bogdan Socea, MD, PhD, graduated from the Carol Davila University of Pharmacy and Medicine in the department of general medicine. His PhD thesis sustained in 2007 was about Advances and Limits in Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Polyposis. Between 2010-2012, he followed a postdoctoral research entitled Epiploic experimental revascularization of lower limb, at Carol Davila University and then became Associate Professor in the same university and primary general surgeon at Sf. Pantelimon Emergency Clinic Hospital. He was also attested in abdominal and general ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery, oncologic surgery and sanitary management. Dr. Bogdan Socea, graduated in several other specialty courses like: postgraduate course of digestive endoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic, bariatric surgery, advanced course in laparoscopic digestive surgery IRCAD, contrast enhanced ultrasound course, evaluation methods of Romanian clinic research, abdominal wall defects workshop, hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgery, breast cancer and metastases course, scientific papers editing, malpraxis course, educational course on day surgery. He is also a member of Romanian Surgeons' Society, Balkan Medical Union, Romanian Ambulatory Surgery Society and Medical Commission of Romanian Rugby Federation.

Azreen Syazril Adnan

Associate Professor

School Of Medical Sciences

University Sains Malaysia


Tel: 09-7673330/012-9001606

Dr. Azreen Syazril Adnan is currently the Consultant Nephrologists and Associate Professor in the School Of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Also the Head Unit of the Chronic Kidney Disease Resource Center and Head Unit to the Hemodialysis Unit. He is also a Fellow of American Society of Nephrology and Young Nephrologists Platform Trainer (EDTA). His Research interests include: Dialysis Disaster Management And Mitigations, Tropical Disease Associated Kidney Injuries, Renal Medical Informatics and Vascular Access in dialysis. Serving as the Advisory Council member to Malaysian National Renal Registry.He is currently involve with Dove Express as consulting editors and

Dr. Azreen Syazril Adnan is currently the Consultant Nephrologists and Associate Professor in the School Of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Also the Head Unit of the Chronic Kidney Disease Resource Center and Head Unit to the Hemodialysis Unit. He is also a Fellow of American Society of Nephrology and Young Nephrologists Platform Trainer (EDTA). His Research interests include: Dialysis Disaster Management And Mitigations, Tropical Disease Associated Kidney Injuries, Renal Medical Informatics and Vascular Access in dialysis. Serving as the Advisory Council member to Malaysian National Renal Registry.He is currently involve with Dove Express as consulting editors and reviewers to Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences.

Theodoros Eleftheriadis

Associate Professor

Department of Nephrology

Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences

University of Thessaly


Dr. Theodoros Eleftheriadis was born in Thessaloniki, in 1969. He had received MD. Diploma from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece, and Ph.D. Diploma on antigen presentation in hemodialysis patients from the Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece. He worked as a community physician for 1 year at Gavdos Island, Chania, Greece, and for 1 year as a physician in the Greek army. He completed a 2-year residency in Internal Medicine at Theagenion Cancer Centre of Thessaloniki and the 4-year fellowship program in Nephrology at the 2nd IKA Hospital of Thessaloniki and the Organ Transplant Unit

Dr. Theodoros Eleftheriadis was born in Thessaloniki, in 1969. He had received MD. Diploma from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece, and Ph.D. Diploma on antigen presentation in hemodialysis patients from the Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece. He worked as a community physician for 1 year at Gavdos Island, Chania, Greece, and for 1 year as a physician in the Greek army. He completed a 2-year residency in Internal Medicine at Theagenion Cancer Centre of Thessaloniki and the 4-year fellowship program in Nephrology at the 2nd IKA Hospital of Thessaloniki and the Organ Transplant Unit of the Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki. Thereafter, he worked as a consultant Nephrologist for 1 year at the University Hospital of Larissa, Greece, for 4 years at the General Hospital of Serres, Greece and for 3 years at the private section. From December of 2013 he was appointed from the Medical School of the University of Thessaly, Greece firstly as a lecturer in Nephrology, then as an assistant professor of Nephrology, and now as an associate professor of Nephrology. His clinical duties include the care of patients with kidney diseases before or after entrance in hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, as well as of kidney transplant recipients. His expertise in kidney transplantation was significantly enhanced after a period of attendance of the activities of the Nephrology Department, Kidney Transplantation Program at the Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain as a visitor Nephrologist.

Luis Aldamiz-Echevarria Azuara

Associate Professor

Department of Medicine

University of the Basque Country


Dr. Luis Aldamiz-Echevarria is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Medical Doctor in the Department of Paediatrics at Cruces University Hospital (Spain). Dr Aldamiz-Echevarria's laboratory constitutes the Metabolic Inherited Disorders Group and belongs to one of the six fundamental areas of research of the BioCruces Health Research Institute (area of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Metabolism and Renal Diseases). The specific strengths of the research group are in paediatrics and inborn errors of metabolism in order to improve patients quality of life by means of their diagnosis, treatment and management. His expertise

Dr. Luis Aldamiz-Echevarria is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Medical Doctor in the Department of Paediatrics at Cruces University Hospital (Spain). Dr Aldamiz-Echevarria's laboratory constitutes the Metabolic Inherited Disorders Group and belongs to one of the six fundamental areas of research of the BioCruces Health Research Institute (area of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Metabolism and Renal Diseases). The specific strengths of the research group are in paediatrics and inborn errors of metabolism in order to improve patients quality of life by means of their diagnosis, treatment and management. His expertise in metabolic diseases is indicated by invitation to speak at national and international conferences, workshops and seminars, such as the International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (ICIEM). His group has received over 30 research projects and clinical trials grants funded by Carlos III Health Institute, Basque Government, Spanish Ministry of Science, pharmaceutical companies and foundations. He has over 60 publications which are focused on paediatrics, nutrition, rare metabolic diseases, cardiovascular risk and clinical chemical methods. He is author, editor and/or co-editor in 17 books, among them it is worth mentioning the only reference text book in Spanish about rare metabolic diseases, which is already in its 4th Edition ('Diagnostico y Tratamiento de lasenfermedadesmetabolicashereditarias' ERGON, 2014).

Mario Abbud-Filho

Assiociate Professor

Chief Nephrology Discipline

Director Institute of Urology & Nephrology


Dr. Mario Abbud-Filho received degree in 1975 by the Medical School of Sao Jose do Rio Preto-Sao Paulo (FAMERP), Residency and Master degree in Medicine/Nephrology by the University of Rio de Janeiro, Fellowships at Necker Hospital, Paris, (1981-1982) and Harvard Medical School (1983-1984). Ex-President of the Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (1991-1992). Vice-Dean of the Medical School-FAMERP (1997-2000). Dr. Abbud-Filho is Currently an Associate Professor of Medicine and Head of Discipline of Nephrology (FAMERP), Director of the Organ and Tissue Transplantation Center of Hospital de Base (FAMERP-FUNFARME) in Sao Jose do Rio Preto. He is a Member

Dr. Mario Abbud-Filho received degree in 1975 by the Medical School of Sao Jose do Rio Preto-Sao Paulo (FAMERP), Residency and Master degree in Medicine/Nephrology by the University of Rio de Janeiro, Fellowships at Necker Hospital, Paris, (1981-1982) and Harvard Medical School (1983-1984). Ex-President of the Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (1991-1992). Vice-Dean of the Medical School-FAMERP (1997-2000). Dr. Abbud-Filho is Currently an Associate Professor of Medicine and Head of Discipline of Nephrology (FAMERP), Director of the Organ and Tissue Transplantation Center of Hospital de Base (FAMERP-FUNFARME) in Sao Jose do Rio Preto. He is a Member of Transplantation Society (TTS) Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group. He Published 137 papers, 37 book chapters and is the co-editor of two books about Organ Transplantation. He is also an Emeritus Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Transplantation.

Vandana Dua Niyyar

Associate Professor

Division of Nephrology

Emory University

Atlanta, Georgia

Tel: 404-727-3959

Dr. Vandana Dua Niyyar is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology at Emory University. She went on to join her fellowship in Nephrology at Emory University in 2003, after completion of which she has stayed on as faculty at Emory University. Dr. Niyyar's main clinical interests are in hemodialysis and vascular access. As a fellow, she focused on the alteration of dialysate temperature and its long-term effect on factors affecting cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Preliminary results indicated that a minimal decrease in dialysate temperature may decrease pre-hemodialysis blood pressures and may thus significantly impact this

Dr. Vandana Dua Niyyar is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology at Emory University. She went on to join her fellowship in Nephrology at Emory University in 2003, after completion of which she has stayed on as faculty at Emory University. Dr. Niyyar's main clinical interests are in hemodialysis and vascular access. As a fellow, she focused on the alteration of dialysate temperature and its long-term effect on factors affecting cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Preliminary results indicated that a minimal decrease in dialysate temperature may decrease pre-hemodialysis blood pressures and may thus significantly impact this patient population. For this research, she won the Chris Crain award for excellence in clinical research in 2005 (GA NKF). Dr. Niyyar is proficient in dialysis access procedures and maintenance of hemodialysis access, including angiograms, angioplasties, thrombectomies and placement, exchange and removal of tunneled catheters. Dr. Niyyar has presented and taught at various regional and national nephrology meetings and workshops. She serves on national committees in the field of vascular access; and is currently Chair of the Hemodialysis Vascular Access Committee and has been re-elected as a Councilor for ASDIN.

Andreja Figurek

Teaching and Research Assistant

Institute of Anatomy

University of Zurich


Dr. Andreja Figurek, MD, PhD, is currently working as a Teaching and Research Assistant in the Institute of Anatomy at University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Figurek has received her MD from The Faculty of Medicine Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Later, she received her PhD from University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research interests are Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Physiology, etc.

Dr. Andreja Figurek, MD, PhD, is currently working as a Teaching and Research Assistant in the Institute of Anatomy at University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Figurek has received her MD from The Faculty of Medicine Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Later, she received her PhD from University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research interests are Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Physiology, etc.

Tatsuo Shimosawa

Assistant Professor

Department of Nephrology

University of Tokyo


Dr. Tatsuo Shimosawa is an Assistant Professor of Department of Nephrology in University of Tokyo. Dr. Shimosawa received Awards and Honors including Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine Research Award, Japanese Society of Endocrinology Research Award and Japanese Society of Hypertension Young Investigator Award. Research Interests: Dr. Shimosawa have been studying the pathophysiology of hypertension and its related organ damage. His main focus is vasoactive and volume regulating factors such as adrenomedullin, aldosterone, catecholamine. Dr. Shimosawa originally revealed the sympatholytic effect of adrenomedullin related peptide, proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (J Clin Invest 1995). He generated adrenomedullin knockout mice and revealed

Dr. Tatsuo Shimosawa is an Assistant Professor of Department of Nephrology in University of Tokyo. Dr. Shimosawa received Awards and Honors including Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine Research Award, Japanese Society of Endocrinology Research Award and Japanese Society of Hypertension Young Investigator Award. Research Interests: Dr. Shimosawa have been studying the pathophysiology of hypertension and its related organ damage. His main focus is vasoactive and volume regulating factors such as adrenomedullin, aldosterone, catecholamine. Dr. Shimosawa originally revealed the sympatholytic effect of adrenomedullin related peptide, proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (J Clin Invest 1995). He generated adrenomedullin knockout mice and revealed the relation between oxidative stress and hypertension related organ damages (Circulation 2002 and others). Recently Dr. Shimosawa and his students clarified two new etiologies of salt-sensitive hypertension: aldosterone-independent mineralocorticoid receptor activation by Racl (J Clin Invest 2011) and epigenetical modification by catecholamine (Nat Med 2011). Current research field is to further investigations on salt-sensitive hypertension and epigenetic regulations.

Shengyu Mu

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology

University of Arkansas for Medical Science (UAMS)

Little Rock, AR, USA

Dr. Shengyu Mu is an Assistant Professor of Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology in University of Arkansas for Medical Science (UAMS). He graduated from medical school in TianJin Medical University and received his PhD. from the University of Tokyo. His work has been awarded by American Heart Association, Japanese Society of Hypertension, and many other research agencies. The primary interest of his research has been focusing on pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension, especially abnormalities in salt-reabsorption in kidney. He also interest in the area of acute and chronic kidney injury which caused by oxidative stress. Recently his research project was funded

Dr. Shengyu Mu is an Assistant Professor of Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology in University of Arkansas for Medical Science (UAMS). He graduated from medical school in TianJin Medical University and received his PhD. from the University of Tokyo. His work has been awarded by American Heart Association, Japanese Society of Hypertension, and many other research agencies. The primary interest of his research has been focusing on pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension, especially abnormalities in salt-reabsorption in kidney. He also interest in the area of acute and chronic kidney injury which caused by oxidative stress. Recently his research project was funded by American Heart Association.

Lingyun Wang


Division of Nephrology

Department of Medicine

The University of Alabama

United States of America

Dr. Lingyun Wang, PhD, is currently working as a Researcher in the Division of Nephrology, Medicine Department at The University of Alabama, USA. Dr. Lingyun Wang, has a wide research experience in renal physiology. His research is mainly focused on the renal mechanisms contributing to blood pressure regulation and kidney diseases. Specifically, he have sought to determine the role of GPCRs such as angiotensin receptor in the regulation of cardiovascular and renal function. Additional research interest is focused on the molecular mechanism of vascular calcification and kidney stone formation through the study of the structure, dynamics, and function of calcium

Dr. Lingyun Wang, PhD, is currently working as a Researcher in the Division of Nephrology, Medicine Department at The University of Alabama, USA. Dr. Lingyun Wang, has a wide research experience in renal physiology. His research is mainly focused on the renal mechanisms contributing to blood pressure regulation and kidney diseases. Specifically, he have sought to determine the role of GPCRs such as angiotensin receptor in the regulation of cardiovascular and renal function. Additional research interest is focused on the molecular mechanism of vascular calcification and kidney stone formation through the study of the structure, dynamics, and function of calcium channels.


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