Journal of

Infectious Diseases and EpidemiologyISSN: 2474-3658

Editorial Board

Yulia Ovechkina


High Throughput Screening

Tuberculosis Drug Discovery group

Infectious Disease Research Institute


Dr. Yulia Ovechkina serves as a Director of the High Throughput Screening in the Tuberculosis Drug Discovery group at Infectious Disease Research Institute. She received her B.S. in Cytology and Genetics from the Novosibirsk State University in Russia, M.S. in Molecular Genetics from the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH and Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. Dr. Yulia Ovechkina has over fifteen years of experience in the cellular biology research with the extensive expertise in the in vitro cellular assay development, assay miniaturization, high throughput and high content screening, automation and data analysis. Prior

Dr. Yulia Ovechkina serves as a Director of the High Throughput Screening in the Tuberculosis Drug Discovery group at Infectious Disease Research Institute. She received her B.S. in Cytology and Genetics from the Novosibirsk State University in Russia, M.S. in Molecular Genetics from the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH and Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. Dr. Yulia Ovechkina has over fifteen years of experience in the cellular biology research with the extensive expertise in the in vitro cellular assay development, assay miniaturization, high throughput and high content screening, automation and data analysis. Prior to joining IDRI, She developed and implemented an innovative multiplexed screening platform, OncoPanel, using an automated HTS screening platform using tipless V11 Biocel and Echo 550 integrated system at the Ricerca Biosciences (MDS Pharma Services). Dr. Ovechkina served a principal scientist to develop high content in vitro cellular assays in oncology, immunology and toxicology areas as well as a project lead responsible for leading a large scale oncology therapeutic agent screening project. Dr. Ovechkina developed in vitro cellular immunology assays as a postdoctoral research fellow at Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Center, Department of Immunology in Seattle, WA. Her doctoral research was focused on the regulation of cellular proliferation, cytoskeleton and cancer cell signal transduction.

Willem B. Van Muiswinkel

Professor Emeritus

Department of Cell Biology & Immunology

Wageningen University-WUR


Dr. Willem B. Van Muiswinkel is a Professor Emeritus of Department of Cell Biology & Immunology at Wageningen University. He received his PhD degree in Immunology from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), the Netherlands (NL). Appointed at Wageningen University (WUR, NL) as assistant professor and subsequently as full professor in Cell Biology & Immunology till his retirement. He has been active in teaching Cell Biology and Immunology. His research was focussing on basic aspects of fish immunology (ontogeny, memory, genetics, inbred fish strains), and the effect of antibiotics and stress on the immune system. He has been supervisor of 23

Dr. Willem B. Van Muiswinkel is a Professor Emeritus of Department of Cell Biology & Immunology at Wageningen University. He received his PhD degree in Immunology from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), the Netherlands (NL). Appointed at Wageningen University (WUR, NL) as assistant professor and subsequently as full professor in Cell Biology & Immunology till his retirement. He has been active in teaching Cell Biology and Immunology. His research was focussing on basic aspects of fish immunology (ontogeny, memory, genetics, inbred fish strains), and the effect of antibiotics and stress on the immune system. He has been supervisor of 23 PhD students and several hundreds of MSc students. The results of these studies have been used in programs to increase animal health and welfare in cooperation with (inter)national scientists, agencies and the industry. He also served as guest professor at the universities of Guelph (Canada) and Corvallis (USA) and as honorary professor at the university of Prince Edward Island (Canada).

Phyllis Della-Latta

Professor Emerita

Clinical Pathology & Cell Biology in Medicine

Columbia University Medical Center

New York,USA

Tel: 646-387-1183

Dr. Phyllis Della-Latta, Ph.D., MSc is a medical microbiologist who is board certified through the American Board of Medical Microbiology & Public Health. She is Professor Emerita of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology (in Medicine) and Special Lecturer at Columbia University Medical Center, (CUMC) New York City. She is a consultant in diagnostic microbiology and molecular microbiology and maintains NYS certification as a Director of Clinical Microbiology Laboratories. Dr. Della-Latta obtained her Ph.D. in medical and molecular microbiology at New York University, NYC and was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology. She was the Director of the Clinical

Dr. Phyllis Della-Latta, Ph.D., MSc is a medical microbiologist who is board certified through the American Board of Medical Microbiology & Public Health. She is Professor Emerita of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology (in Medicine) and Special Lecturer at Columbia University Medical Center, (CUMC) New York City. She is a consultant in diagnostic microbiology and molecular microbiology and maintains NYS certification as a Director of Clinical Microbiology Laboratories. Dr. Della-Latta obtained her Ph.D. in medical and molecular microbiology at New York University, NYC and was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology. She was the Director of the Clinical Microbiology Service at CUMC/NYPH from 1991-2015 and served on numerous hospital committees, including Infection Control and Epidemiology, Emergency Preparedness, Formulary, Pathology Residency and Antimicrobial Resistance. Her teaching responsibilities included didactic lectures to the 4th year medical students (Laboratory Medicine Course), medical interns, infectious disease fellows, clinical pathology residents and medical technologists. Dr. Della-Latta served as Chair of the Advisory Council to the New York City Dept of Health on Emerging Pathogens and Bioterrorism and was Advisory Councilor for the President of the New York Academy of Science. She is most active in the American Society of Microbiology (ASM, NYC), where she served as former President and has remained Program and Fund Raising Chair for over 20 years. Also, she has been scientific advisor and consultant for the NYC Department of Health, CDC, FDA, NIH and pharmaceutical companies. She was honored with the Distinguished Achievement in Clinical Microbiology Award by the ASM (NYC). Dr. Della-Lattas' research interests in Microbiology focus on rapid molecular technologies and devices for the diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, including mycobacterial and sexually transmitted infections. She has published 140 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and books and has delivered 120 presentations and posters at national and international professional society meetings.

Prakash K Bhuyan

Senior Director

Global Clinical Program Leader

Dept of Vaccine Research



Dr. Bhuyan graduated with his PhD in Immunology, with a research focus on the presentation of antigens to cytotoxic T cells, and his MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Medical Scientist Training Program. Dr. Bhuyan completed his Internal Medicine training at Emory, receiving the Resident's Teaching Award. He then subspecialized in Infectious Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving the Robert Austrian Fellowship Award. Dr. Bhuyan then served as an NIH-funded Instructor of Medicine with a focus on Vaccinology, RNAi and TLR biology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Dr. Bhuyan maintains his position

Dr. Bhuyan graduated with his PhD in Immunology, with a research focus on the presentation of antigens to cytotoxic T cells, and his MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Medical Scientist Training Program. Dr. Bhuyan completed his Internal Medicine training at Emory, receiving the Resident's Teaching Award. He then subspecialized in Infectious Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving the Robert Austrian Fellowship Award. Dr. Bhuyan then served as an NIH-funded Instructor of Medicine with a focus on Vaccinology, RNAi and TLR biology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Dr. Bhuyan maintains his position as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he had served as an Attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Philadelphia Veteran's Affairs Medical Center for 13 years, and currently serves as a teaching adjunct faculty member. In 2011, Dr. Bhuyan was recruited to the position of Senior Director and Global Clinical Program Leader at Pfizer, Vaccine Research, where he provides strategic and clinical development guidance for early pipeline programs and potential partnerships. At Pfizer he has served as Clinical Leader for early development clinical programs, has clinical responsibility for Phase 2 conduct and safety evaluation for the Meningococcal B program, represents Vaccine Clinical Research for Due Diligence activities, and has provided subject matter expertise for the development of an integrated Pfizer clinical safety database. Dr. Bhuyan has contributed to the field of Vaccinology by designing, leading, and providing medical guidance for multiple development programs, including the Meningococcal B program that became the first vaccine against Meningococcal B disease to be licensed in the US in 2014. Dr. Bhuyan has also successfully managed several non-Vaccine Leadership roles and responsibilities. In 2013, he was a lead coordinator for the Pfizer United Way Volunteer Campaign at the Collegeville site and was named as one of the Pfizer Collegeville Worldwide Research and Development (WRD) Change Leaders. In 2014, he was selected as the WRD Change Leader Site Lead for the Pfizer Collegeville site. He also serves as Chair for the Pfizer Collegeville Site Operating Committee, which empowers site-level events to support corporate initiatives. In 2014, he was the lead organizer of the 2014 Pfizer Collegeville Research and Development scientific symposium. Dr. Bhuyan also serves as the Scientific Lead for the Trans Celerate Biopharma Integrated Database initiative, which represents a partnership between multiple large pharma companies to enhance the development of new medicines. Dr. Bhuyan continues to actively contribute to the fields of Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases by designing and leading multiple development programs and fostering partnerships.

Giovanni Rezza


Department of Infectious Diseases

Istituto Superiore di Sanita


Dr. Giovanni Rezza, M.D., specialized in hygiene and in infectious diseases, is a senior scientist at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) in Roma, and Director of the Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immune-mediated Diseases since 2009. His main background is in infectious disease epidemiology. He has worked for the Italian Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Italian Cooperation, and the European Union. He has been contract professor at the 'Sapienza' University of Rome, and he has given courses at the University of Sassari for several years. He has been Chairman of the Administration Board -

Dr. Giovanni Rezza, M.D., specialized in hygiene and in infectious diseases, is a senior scientist at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) in Roma, and Director of the Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immune-mediated Diseases since 2009. His main background is in infectious disease epidemiology. He has worked for the Italian Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Italian Cooperation, and the European Union. He has been contract professor at the 'Sapienza' University of Rome, and he has given courses at the University of Sassari for several years. He has been Chairman of the Administration Board - and he is now President of the Scientific Board - of the Consortium called 'Collezione Nazionale dei Composti Chimici e Centro Screening' (CNCCS), a public/private initiative including ISS, National Research Council, and IRBM. He has carried out epidemiological investigations in Italy and abroad, he has been principal investigator of research and cooperation projects, and is author of more than 400 articles indexed in PubMed, and 4 books. His area of expertise includes HIV and emerging infectious diseases, such as Chikungunya, West Nile, influenza, Congo-Crimea hemorrhagic fever, and vaccine strategies, with special regard to developing countries. Finally, he is the editor of the 'infectious disease epidemiology' section of BMC Public Health, he has been in the Editorial Board of 'AIDS' for six years period and Editor of the supplement of 'AIDS' for two years, and is acting as a reviewer for several international scientific journals.He has been also member of several national and international committees.

Marc Paul Girard

Emeritus Professor

Virology and Molecular Biology

Paris 7 Denis Diderot University


Tel: 33-478-748-531

Marc P Girard received his doctorate in veterinary medicine at Paris University in 1960, and his doctorate in Science in 1967, also in Paris. He trained for three years in the molecular biology of poliovirus as a Post-doctoral Fellow in the USA with Pr James Darnell, Renato Dulbecco and David Baltimore. He went on studying the molecular biology and genetics of poliovirus, then SV40 and adenovirus, before moving to HIV. He was a visiting professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Pr Hurwitz), the NIH (Dr Anthony Fauci), the Salk Institute in La Jolla (Pr David Baltimore) and Duke University

Marc P Girard received his doctorate in veterinary medicine at Paris University in 1960, and his doctorate in Science in 1967, also in Paris. He trained for three years in the molecular biology of poliovirus as a Post-doctoral Fellow in the USA with Pr James Darnell, Renato Dulbecco and David Baltimore. He went on studying the molecular biology and genetics of poliovirus, then SV40 and adenovirus, before moving to HIV. He was a visiting professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Pr Hurwitz), the NIH (Dr Anthony Fauci), the Salk Institute in La Jolla (Pr David Baltimore) and Duke University (Pr Bolognesi). He worked for the last 20 years of his career on the development of an HIV vaccine. Pr Girard was the Director General of the Merieux Foundation in Lyon from mid 2001 to end of 2004. He previously was the Director of the Center for Research in Immuno-Virology (CERVI) in Lyon, France, which includes the BSL4 Virology Laboratory that was operated jointly by the Merieux Foundation and the Pasteur Institute, and the Federative Research Institute on Virology, Immunology and Pathology of Emerging Diseases (IFR 74), a research laboratory of the French National Health & Medical Research Institute (INSERM). Among the positions held by Pr Girard prior to his appointment in Lyon were Head, Department of Virology, and Professor, Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Institut Pasteur, Paris (1980-1999); Scientific Director (CSO), Pasteur Vaccins, a joint industrial subsidiary of the Pasteur and Merieux Institutes (1984-1990); Vice-Director of the Pasteur Institute, Paris (1990-92), Professor of Virology and Molecular Biology at University Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris (1974-1984; on leave until 2001). Pr Girard was the Chairman of the Concerted Action 'Vaccines' at the French National AIDS Research Agency (ANRS) from 1988 to 1998. He then chaired the E.U. HIV Vaccine Initiative 'EuroVac', an international AIDS vaccine Research Consortium which grouped together 21 European laboratories participating in comparative Phase I clinical trials of candidate HIV vaccines in human volunteers. Marc Girard went on official retirement in 2004 but has remained active. He still teaches, gives talks and writes review papers on vaccines as an Honorary Professor at University Denis Diderot (Paris 7). He also is a member of the French National Academy of Medicine and of the French Veterinary Academy. He has been the organizer of the 'Cent Gardes Conference' on HIV Vaccines since 1986.

Tetsuya Mine


Gastroenterological Center

Tokai School of Medicine


Dr. Tetsuya Mine is a Director of Gastroenterological Center. Dr. Mine received his Ph.D. from University of Tokyo School of Medicine. He is a President of The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology and its branch society, Vice president of Japan neurogastroenterology, Director of Japanese Smooth Muscle Society, Councilor of The Japanese Society for Gastric Cancer Research. Dr. Mine is a Active member of American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Awards of Dr. Mine includes Young investigator award of the Japan Society of Hematology, Award of the Japanese Foundation for Research Endoscopy, Award of Best Review.

Dr. Tetsuya Mine is a Director of Gastroenterological Center. Dr. Mine received his Ph.D. from University of Tokyo School of Medicine. He is a President of The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology and its branch society, Vice president of Japan neurogastroenterology, Director of Japanese Smooth Muscle Society, Councilor of The Japanese Society for Gastric Cancer Research. Dr. Mine is a Active member of American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Awards of Dr. Mine includes Young investigator award of the Japan Society of Hematology, Award of the Japanese Foundation for Research Endoscopy, Award of Best Review.

Abubaker ME. Sidahmed


Department of Pathology

University of Toronto


Tel: 204-891-2198

Dr. Abubaker ME. Sidahmed is a Professor of Medicine and Pathobiolgy with MD, MSc and PhD from University of Toronto Canada. Dr. Sidahmed recently joined the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at University of Calgary. Currently his major research interest is the host immune to viral infection particularly West Nile Virus, Influenza and HIV, the development of molecular based diagnostic tests and vaccines for viral pathogens such as influenza and West Nile Viruses. In addition, his research interest includes genes expression in aging and their effects in susceptibility to viral infection, SNPs genotyping and their association with viral infections,

Dr. Abubaker ME. Sidahmed is a Professor of Medicine and Pathobiolgy with MD, MSc and PhD from University of Toronto Canada. Dr. Sidahmed recently joined the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at University of Calgary. Currently his major research interest is the host immune to viral infection particularly West Nile Virus, Influenza and HIV, the development of molecular based diagnostic tests and vaccines for viral pathogens such as influenza and West Nile Viruses. In addition, his research interest includes genes expression in aging and their effects in susceptibility to viral infection, SNPs genotyping and their association with viral infections, Conditional and conventional Knockout mice generation and characterization, Cytokine and chemokine roles in host immune response to against viral infection, siRNA artificial control of cytokine and chemokine genes expression and HLA and disease association.

Viroj Wiwanitkit


Hainan Medical University


Dr. Viroj Wiwanitkit is currently working as a medical professor and Asian Scholar. He graduated in medical doctor (M.D). (honors) and works in medical academics in many universities. At present he is appointed as a visiting University Professor, Hainan Medical University, China ; visiting professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Serbia ; adjunct professor, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Nigeria and Professor, Senior Expert, Surin Rajabhat University, Thailand. He has many international publications in medical field. His research interest includes tropical medicine and public health, Laboratory medicine, clinical biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. At present, he is the medical

Dr. Viroj Wiwanitkit is currently working as a medical professor and Asian Scholar. He graduated in medical doctor (M.D). (honors) and works in medical academics in many universities. At present he is appointed as a visiting University Professor, Hainan Medical University, China ; visiting professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Serbia ; adjunct professor, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Nigeria and Professor, Senior Expert, Surin Rajabhat University, Thailand. He has many international publications in medical field. His research interest includes tropical medicine and public health, Laboratory medicine, clinical biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. At present, he is the medical scientist who has more than 1,500 article publications and he has the most number (the first world rank) of international publications as the first and the last author. He also serve as editor in chief and editorial board of about 100 international medical journals published from several countries around the world.

Li Jian

Associate professor

Department of Parasitology

Hubei University of Medicine


Tel: 861-837-268-7804

Dr. Li Jian is an Associate professor of Department of Parasitology at Hubei University of Medicine. Dr. Li Jian mainly focus on the malaria and schistosomiasis study. At present, he is collecting malaria samples from Africa and use PCR technique and sequencing software to assess the gene polymorphism for antimalarial resistacne including chloroquine and artemisinin. Dr. Jian also screen the potential candidates for plasmodium and schistosome from omics level inculding genomics, transcriptomics, protomics and imunomics and identify via a high throughput platform including seamless cloning, cell-free expression system and protein microarray. His research interests focus on discovery and innovation in

Dr. Li Jian is an Associate professor of Department of Parasitology at Hubei University of Medicine. Dr. Li Jian mainly focus on the malaria and schistosomiasis study. At present, he is collecting malaria samples from Africa and use PCR technique and sequencing software to assess the gene polymorphism for antimalarial resistacne including chloroquine and artemisinin. Dr. Jian also screen the potential candidates for plasmodium and schistosome from omics level inculding genomics, transcriptomics, protomics and imunomics and identify via a high throughput platform including seamless cloning, cell-free expression system and protein microarray. His research interests focus on discovery and innovation in various aspects of Blood-borne Disease, Epidemics, Foodborne Illness, Globalization and Disease, Infection Control, Infectious Disease Eradication, Medical Bioinformatics for Infectious Diseases, Neglected Diseases, Tropical Disease, Waterborne Diseases.

Roma Chilengi

Scientific Director

Centre for Infectious Disease Research

University of Zambia

Tel: 260-973-724935


Dr Roma Chilengi is medically qualified and trained in epidemiology. He has a professional background in product research and vaccine development, and is a certified clinical research professional. He has held several international positions and has extensive experience in clinical trials and capacity building efforts across Africa. His interest is in vaccine research, child immunizations and public health with a bias towards infectious tropical diseases. Currently he is the scientific director at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia. He leads research work on rotavirus while implementing several health systems strengthening programmers in Zambia. He sits on several Boards

Dr Roma Chilengi is medically qualified and trained in epidemiology. He has a professional background in product research and vaccine development, and is a certified clinical research professional. He has held several international positions and has extensive experience in clinical trials and capacity building efforts across Africa. His interest is in vaccine research, child immunizations and public health with a bias towards infectious tropical diseases. Currently he is the scientific director at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia. He leads research work on rotavirus while implementing several health systems strengthening programmers in Zambia. He sits on several Boards and Scientific Committees and has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Gabriele Karanis

Assistant professor

Qinghai University


Dr. Gabriele Karanis is an Assistant professor at Qinghai University and Medical School in Xining, China. She is Currently Vice Head of Female Department at Al Attar Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. Dr. Karanis is a consultant in the field of orthopedics. She is a Dental technician laboratory professional. Dr. Karanis is a Co-organizer of the Nettersheimer-Conference-Series: Health via Knowledge. Part I: 'Health and Motion'. Her field of interests are infectious diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system of humans, eg. tuberculosis.

Dr. Gabriele Karanis is an Assistant professor at Qinghai University and Medical School in Xining, China. She is Currently Vice Head of Female Department at Al Attar Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. Dr. Karanis is a consultant in the field of orthopedics. She is a Dental technician laboratory professional. Dr. Karanis is a Co-organizer of the Nettersheimer-Conference-Series: Health via Knowledge. Part I: 'Health and Motion'. Her field of interests are infectious diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system of humans, eg. tuberculosis.

Amedeo Amedei


Department of Internal Medicine

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi


Tel: 0039-055-427-1495

Dr. Amedeo Amedei is a researcher of Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at University of Florence. On 1996 July he graduated with fullmarks and honours in Biology at Florence University. He has started his scientific career with scholarship (1997-1999) studying the role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in several diseases (graft versus host disease, atopic dermatitis, kidney rejection crisis). From 2000 to 2002 he has examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the gastric chronic inflammatory process; particularly he studied the role of specific immune response versus Helicobacter pylori in gastric diseases (gastritis-ulcer, Malt-lymphoma, gastric cancer, autoimmune gastritis). On January

Dr. Amedeo Amedei is a researcher of Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at University of Florence. On 1996 July he graduated with fullmarks and honours in Biology at Florence University. He has started his scientific career with scholarship (1997-1999) studying the role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in several diseases (graft versus host disease, atopic dermatitis, kidney rejection crisis). From 2000 to 2002 he has examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the gastric chronic inflammatory process; particularly he studied the role of specific immune response versus Helicobacter pylori in gastric diseases (gastritis-ulcer, Malt-lymphoma, gastric cancer, autoimmune gastritis). On January 2003 began his doctor's degree in 'Clinical and Sperimental Medicine'. From February to December 2003 he has collaborated on the 'Stem cells and immune-therapy of cancer' financed project by Tuscany Region. In the last years, he has focused his scientific interests on the cancer and in detail, the immune response versus the cancer and the role of cancer microenvoremnt. Recently, Dr. Amedei became a member of the team of researchers involved in the project world 'Halifax Project'. The project involves about 300 international researchers, divided into two working groups. A task force is focused on advanced cancer treatments. The second task force is focused on the carcinogenic potential of exposure to low doses of mixtures of chemicals in the environment. The expertise areas of Dr. Amedeo Amedei are the immunology and oncology. His scientific production is composed of 95 peer reviewed articles, 6 book chapters and one international patent (WO/2007/039451). At present, he is serving as an editorial board member of 22 reputed journals and reviewer of 33 international journals.


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Clinical Medical Image Library: 93.51

International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine: 92.83

International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine: 91.84

International Journal of Womens Health and Wellness: 91.79

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